Novatek And Rosatom Sign A Decarbonization Agreement

  • Russian LNG producer Novatek and compatriot state nuclear energy firm Rosatom have signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate in decarbonization.
  • Purchasing the green energy would help Novatek to reduce the carbon footprint of its products in accordance with international standards.

A recent news article published in the LNG Prime states that Novatek, Rosatom ink decarbonization deal.

Ust-Luga gas condensate fractionation and transshipment complex

Under the deal, Novatek’s units and in...

COLUMN | Oil and gas prices spike amid war in Ukraine [Offshore Accounts]

Results season is upon us, but the horrible events in Ukraine overshadow everything. Even as the tragedy unfolding there causes human misery and destruction on a scale no ..

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