SEAL Training Center Gets New CO Early as Navy Continues Inquiry Following 2022 Trainee Death

Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUDs) students participate in Surf Passage at Naval Amphibious Base Coronado. US Navy Photo

Command of the Naval Special Warfare Center in Coronado, Calif., changed hands Tuesday as Capt. Brian Drechsler handed over the reins a few months earlier than planned to Capt. Mark “Clint” Burke, Navy officials told USNI News.

Drechsler, who took command of the training center in July 2021, would have rotated from what’s typically a two-year tour as commodore sometime...

Investigation Finds SEAL Trainee Kyle Mullen Died In the Line of Duty

SEAL candidates participate in “surf immersion” during Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training at Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Center in Coronado, Calif., May 4, 2020. US Navy Photo

SEAL candidate Kyle Mullen died of acute pneumonia, compounded by an enlarged heart, according to a Navy investigation into his death after completing Hell Week reviewed by USNI News.

Mullen’s Feb. 4 death was determined to be in the line of duty and not due to his own misconduct, according to the...

Port of Newcastle calls for NSW Government support in approvals, removal of restrictions, so as to lead regional economy

Pictured: Professor Roy Green, speaking on behalf of the Port of Newcastle. Photo credit: Jim Wilson, Shipping Australia.

Port of Newcastle is a couple-of-hundred years old start up, Professor Roy Green told guests at the Shipping Australia NSW Winter 2022 Parliamentary Luncheon yesterday (Thursday 27 May 2022).

While it is well-known that Newcastle is primarily a coal-port, the Professor noted that the port has a variety of other businesses other than coal. It is currently handling around...

Navy IDs SEAL Candidate Who Died After Hell Week

SEAL candidates perform physical training on the beach during Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training at Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Center in Coronado, Calif., May 4, 2020. NSW Center restarted paused portions of its SEAL and Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewman (SWCC) selection-and-assessment training following careful planning that included implementing COVID-19 mitigation efforts based on CDC recommendations and Department of Defense medical guidance. US Navy photo.

Seaman Kyle...

Shipping Australia calls for NSW controls on seafarer movements to be relaxed

Pictured: a conceptual representation of different variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease. Graphic: colour modified by Shipping Australia of the original model by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Continued controls on seafarers arriving in New South Wales now seem to be rather pointless because they can no longer fulfil their policy goals and their monetary and non-monetary costs now outweigh their benefits, Shipping Australia has said in a...

NSW announces review of PBLIS and the Ports & Maritime Act

Pictured: the Port of Newcastle, one of NSW’s three main trading ports and one of the world’s largest coal export ports. Photo supplied by the Port of Newcastle.

A comprehensive review of the Ports and Maritime Administration Act (1995; NSW) and the Port Botany Landside Improvement Strategy has been announced by the NSW State Government.

The review will tackle inefficiencies and support NSW industry and jobs growth, the NSW Government said.

The State’s three trading ports have grown to...

Port of Newcastle boosts efficiency with new mobile harbour cranes

Pictured: two new mobile harbour cranes at the Port of Newcastle. Photo credit: Port of Newcastle.

Port of Newcastle’s existing project cargo, general cargo and container handling capability will be further enhanced following a $28.4-million investment in two Liebherr L550 mobile harbour cranes and associated infrastructure at the Port’s Mayfield 4 berth.

Port of Newcastle’s Executive Manager Trade & Business Development, Paul Brown, said the mobile harbour cranes will increase efficiency at the...

First Female Navy Special Operations Sailor Graduates from Training

U.S. Navy Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen (SWCC) approach the HS Kanaris during Visit Board Search and Seizure (VBSS) training in Souda Bay, Greece in early 2021. US Navy Photo

The first female member of the Navy’s special operations forces graduated from training on Thursday, the service said.

Included in the 17 graduates of Crewman Qualification Training (CQT) Class 115 is the first female Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen (SWCC), according to Naval Special Warfare Command.


Unfair: one port call, two sets of charges!

Pictured: Australian 100 dollar bills; the 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

Most businesses provide incentives for returning customers. But not in New South Wales. Here, in a recent change to a long-standing practice, the relevant port authority much prefers to penalise their customers by double-charging them.

A Navigation Service Charge is a statutory charge levied by port authorities on ships that enter a port. It is intended to recover the costs of maintaining safe navigation in...

Covid-19: Shipping requirements, restrictions, rules and policies at Australian ports

On this page you will find Federal and State Restrictions in regards to Covid-19. You will also find a link to policies from international bodies such as the International Maritime Organization.

Important: please read the Federal Restrictions first and then read whichever set of State or Territory Restrictions that you are interested in as if they were one set of rules. It is meaningless to read either the Federal or the State/Territory rules in isolation from the other. So, if you are...