China in crosshairs of new ocean shipping reforms

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WASHINGTON — Add container shipping software — along with weather balloons and TikTok — to the list...

How will Maersk-MSC split redraw container shipping landscape?

The decision by MSC and Maersk — the world’s two largest container lines — to terminate the 2M vessel-sharing alliance was predictable. The bigger surprise will be what happens next.

Will both MSC and Maersk go it alone after 2M ends in January 2025? Will Maersk join another alliance or create a new one? How will this affect the remaining two global alliances: Ocean Alliance and THE Alliance? And how will it affect cargo shipper pricing?

MSC big enough to stand alone

MSC grew far faster than any...

FMC requires more pricing, capacity data from container ship companies

Overhead view of container ship

Federal regulators are stepping up oversight of ocean carriers by ordering them to submit more comprehensive pricing and capacity data with the goal of protecting against anticompetitive rates and service.

The Federal Maritime Commission announced on Thursday that the three global carrier alliances dominating global shipping (2M, Ocean and THE), along with the 10 member companies that participate in them, will now have to begin providing “uniform data to use in assessing ocean carrier behavior...

New legislation would strip ocean carrier antitrust protections

Ocean carriers would no longer enjoy their limited antitrust immunity under new legislation aimed at curbing what some lawmakers and the Biden administration consider to be out-of-control market power.

The Ocean Shipping Antitrust Enforcement Act, introduced on Monday by Rep. Jim Costa, D-Calif., would amend U.S. shipping regulations by repealing section 40307 of Title 46 of the United States Code, which protects foreign carriers from certain antitrust laws.

“This bill is critical in leveling the...

Beware ‘nasty side effects’ if government targets ocean carriers

container shipping

As skyrocketing rates squeeze importers and exporters scramble for containers, the push for government intervention is accelerating.

What if the U.S. government does move to rein in foreign carriers? What if carrier alliances are broken up, detention and demurrage charges are curtailed, export service is mandatory and — most hypothetically — spot rates are capped?

To answer these questions, American Shipper spoke with Lars Jensen of Denmark-based Vespucci Maritime. The consultant and former...

Regulator to order container detention reports from ocean carriers

A federal maritime regulator is ordering the world’s largest containership companies to provide her agency with container detention and demurrage information to ensure they’re meeting their legal obligations.

The orders, announced Wednesday by Commissioner Rebecca Dye of the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), are being issued under Dye’s authority as the fact-finding officer for the FMC’s Fact Finding 29, “International Ocean Transportation Supply Chain Engagement.”

Ocean carriers operating in an...

FMC keeps spotlight on ocean forwarder, consolidator concerns

U.S. Federal Maritime Commission

The coronavirus pandemic may have disrupted international supply chains for much of the year, but a top official at the Federal Maritime Commission said his agency has remained vigilant in its responsibility to ensure competition within the U.S. ocean container shipping trades.

“I am pleased to say that, because of advance planning and preparation, the commission has remained fully open and operational throughout these difficult times,” FMC Chairman Michael Khouri told online attendees of the Nat...