Ocean Infinity, Cyan Renewables form technology partnership to support offshore wind projects in Asia-Pacific

Armada 7805, a lean-crewed vessel in the Ocean Infinity fleet

Marine robotics company Ocean Infinity and Singapore-based Cyan Renewables have entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to collaborate on the provision of offshore geophysical and geotechnical surveys as well as remotely operated vehicle (ROV) inspections and consultancy services for offshore wind projects across the Asia-Pacific region. The two companies aim to provide comprehensive marine […]

The post Ocean Infinity, Cyan Renewables form technology partnership to support offshore wind...


COLUMN | 2024 by the numbers: Cableships; methanol; the Nigerian Navy; BP and Equinor’s wind woes; Noble in Suriname and Colombia [Offshore Accounts]

We’ve passed Twelfth Night, so let’s look at some key numbers for the year ahead. This week’s lucky lottery numbers are 4, 10, 29, 177, and 470,000. Who is feeling lucky? Four newbuilds for wind: #1 Toyo Nature abhors a vacuum, and as Global Marine Systems, for two decades the former cablelay market leader, sinks […]

The post COLUMN | 2024 by the numbers: Cableships; methanol; the Nigerian Navy; BP and Equinor’s wind woes; Noble in Suriname and Colombia [Offshore Accounts] appeared first on Baird...


COLUMN | Get the PSVs to the Greek; get the drillships to the Belgian; get the sunken treasure to the Briton: Standard Supply, Vantage Drilling and Ocean Infinity [Offshore Accounts]

According to his carefully edited Wikipedia entry, Evangelos Marinakis “is a Greek media mogul, shipowner, lyricist, and member of the Piraeus city council. He is the founder and owner of Capital Maritime and Trading Corporation and also the owner of the football clubs Olympiacos in Greece and Nottingham Forest in England.” And now he is […]

The post COLUMN | Get the PSVs to the Greek; get the drillships to the Belgian; get the sunken treasure to the Briton: Standard Supply, Vantage Drilling and...


Cummins, partners get financial boost for methanol retrofit kit project

US-based tech provider Cummins has received £4.4 million (about $5.36 million) for its methanol retrofit kit as part of the Zero Emission Vessels and Infrastructure (ZEVI) competition funded by the UK Government.

The post Cummins, partners get financial boost for methanol retrofit kit project...


Cummins methanol retrofit kit project wins U.K. funding

Cummins Inc. (NYSE: CMI) reports that its proposal to develop a methanol retrofit kit for its QSK60 engine has been awarded GBP 4.4 million (about $5.36 million) in total funding through the U.K. Government’s Zero Emission Vessels and Infrastructure (ZEVI) competition.

One of only 10 selected under the ZEVI competition, the project will see Cummins and its project partners — Ocean Infinity, the Aberdeen Harbor Board, and Proman AG — deploy deploy a U.K.-designed and built methanol retrofit kit...


COLUMN | The chickens come home to roost again: Swiber charges in Singapore; Texas judicial investigation; CWind sold; Guardian Geomatics sold; Newbuild! Newbuild! [Offshore Accounts]

This week we look at consequences: judicial consequences, legal consequences, the consequences of bad strategy and bad execution, and the inevitable consequences of high day rates. Ladies and gentlemen, there is a newbuilding anchor handler out there, being built as you read this. Adjust your forecasts accordingly. But first, we look at other consequences. Goh-Goh […]

The post COLUMN | The chickens come home to roost again: Swiber charges in Singapore; Texas judicial investigation; CWind sold;...


COLUMN | Quick Updates: Atlantica buys DOF’s supply vessel flip; Maersk sells anchor handlers; battery power drive gains momentum in UK and Norway; Ocean Infinity wins grant; more cable layers ordered [Offshore Accounts]

Last week we looked at Britoil’s acquisition of 30 offshore supply vessels (OSVs) from Vroon for a price we estimated to be in the region of US$239 million, and the acquisition of the Vroon Offshore Services management teams in Singapore and Italy. We noted how the Dutch Bank ING had foolishly cut a side deal […]

The post COLUMN | Quick Updates: Atlantica buys DOF’s supply vessel flip; Maersk sells anchor handlers; battery power drive gains momentum in UK and Norway; Ocean Infinity wins grant;...


Equinor contracts Ocean Infinity for California floating wind site survey

Moving ahead on its plans to develop one of the first-ever floating offshore wind farms off the U.S. West Coast, Equinor, has signed a contract that will see Austin, Texas, headquartered Ocean Infinity undertake a comprehensive site investigation survey of offshore wind lease area OCS-P 0563, won by Equinor Wind US LLC with a $150 million bid in BOEM’s December 2023 lease auction.

Ocean Infinity, best known for its ambitious build out of an “armada” of robotic undersea vessels, will undertake...
