Hapag-Lloyd and ONE set to operate joint feeder services round the world

Hapag Lloyd and it’s the Alliance partner Ocean Network Express (ONE) have agreed to operate feeder services around the world together.
Under the terms of a “bilateral strategic feeder network cooperation agreement”,  the lines will share space on their respective feeder vessels.
It began with the joint launch of the Bohai Express service in August and is to be extended to the intra-Europe trade this month with the launch of the North Sea …

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ONE Conducts Global Safety And Quality Campaign

team work

Ocean Network Express Pte.Ltd. (“ONE”) commenced on a global Safety and Quality Campaign, starting from 1st September and will complete on 15th October 2018.

Image Credits: ONE

Executive officers and management involving in the campaign will be conducting vessel visits to emphasize the importance of navigation safety with the captain & crews and discuss what measures can be taken on board to achieve this goal.

“Marine Safety and Quality Management Review” conference chaired by ONE CEO Jeremy Nixon...
