249 Arsenio Dominguez, Secretary-General International Maritime Organisation

Navigating the Future of Maritime Sustainability

In this special episode, we are honoured to welcome Arsenio Domínguez, the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Recorded during the 82nd Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) session in London, this conversation offers a rare glimpse into the mind of a visionary leader who is spearheading global efforts to protect our oceans.

Arsenio shares his thoughts on the maritime industry’s critical challenges, from...


Will The Shipping Industry Help Curb The Overflow Of Marine Plastics?

No one these days can deny the huge problem plastics poses to our planet and oceans. Marine plastics are suffocating coral propyls, smothering the ocean floor, strangling and killing marine life. Further up the food chain, plastics are entering our bodies, reports the UK Chamber of Shipping.

According to the University of Ghent, the annual dietary exposure for European shellfish consumers can amount to 11,000 microplastics per year. While studies into how these particles affect us are still in...


World leaders commit to 100% sustainable ocean management; shipping and ports targeted for decarbonisation

Pictured: an aerial view of the Great Barrier Reef; Photo Carles Rabada from Unsplash

Leaders from 14 countries, including Australia’s Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, and heavyweight-countries such as Indonesia, Japan and Mexico, have set out an ocean action agenda. The 14 countries form the “The High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy” (the Ocean Panel).

The Ocean Panel has committed to sustainably manage 100% of the ocean area under their national jurisdiction by 2025. That’s an area...


Oceans Undergoing A Change Not Seen in 10 Thousand Years!

Scientists gathered fossils from an area with lots of seabed sediment. (Peter Spooner)

In a  major development, scientists working on a new deep-sea fossils analysis have  revealed that changes in ocean circulation may have caused a shift in Atlantic Ocean ecosystems not seen for the past 10,000 years, writes Peter T. Spooner, an Earth Sciences Teaching Fellow, in UCL

Science Alert highlights that this is a striking finding by a research group  which Spooner is part of at UCL, funded by the ATLAS project and published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. The shift has...


Why We Need to Stop Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans FOR GOOD | Oceana

Why We Need to Stop Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans FOR GOOD | Oceana Our oceans are being filled and killed by throwaway plastics. But together, we can create a movement to reduce throwaway plastic at the source and save our oceans. Oceana and our allies are already winning plastic-free victories...


2020 To Be A Crucial Year for Saving Our Oceans!

  • In 2020, countries are expected to update their NDCs, to accelerate emissions reductions.
  • 80 countries representing 10% of global emissions have presented improvement plans.
  • UN plans to convene a high-level meeting in Lisbon, Portugal to advance the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).

According to an article published in China Dialogue Ocean and authored by Fermín Koop, global summits have the last chance to tackle crises of the ocean, fisheries, biodiversity, and climate.



NGOs launch rescue plan for healthy oceans by 2030

According to a recent statement, 102 environmental organizations, led by Seas At Risk, BirdLife Europe, ClientEarth, Oceana, Surfrider Foundation Europe and WWF are launching the “Blue Manifesto.”

Namely, the rescue plan outlines concrete actions that must be delivered by set dates with the aim to “turn the tide on the ever-degraded and polluted ocean and coastlines.” 

As stressed by recent reports released by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and by the UN Intergovernmental...


Blue Technology Center of Expertise launched

The U.S Coast Guard along with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography collaborated and launched the Blue Technology Center of Expertise (COE), which will focus on the research and the use of the blue technology. The center is located on the Scripps Oceanography campus in San Diego, while the ribbon-cutting ceremony was on Friday 24 January, 2020.

Both sides attended the ceremony to celebrate this new beginning between Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Coast Guard.

Specifically, the...


Better ocean management could supply six times more food, study finds

A smarter management of wild fisheries and sustainable development of marine aquaculture (mariculture) could enable the ocean to supply over six times more food than it does today, while helping restore the health of ocean ecosystems, a new report by the High-Level Panel on a Sustainable Ocean Economy argues.

Under optimistic projections regarding alternative mariculture feed innovations and uptake, the ocean could supply over six times more food than it does today (364 million metric tons of...


Watch: Surge in wave and tidal energy activity expected in 2020

Ocean Energy Systems (OES), an intergovernmental collaboration between countries to advance energy research, issued its annual report for 2018 noting that ocean energy progresses at a policy level within a global energy market that is seeing significant change, while the imperative and drivers for renewable energy continue to increase.

OES is the short name for the Technology Collaboration Programme on Ocean Energy Systems under the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The collaboration seeks to...
