Loaded and Rolling: Investment conference equipment highlights, Knight-Swift acquires MME, transportation unemployment falls

Stephens investment conference trucking equipment highlights
(Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

Supply chain challenges were the main focus at the Stephens annual investment conference earlier this month in Nashville, Tennessee. Executives said driver recruiting and broader supply chain bottlenecks were slightly easing, but purchasing and procuring equipment has gotten notably tougher. 

Lack of trailers becoming new driver shortage:

  • Derek Leathers, chairman, president and CEO of Werner, said...


When will capacity stop crunching? — Freightonomics

The crunch for any type of capacity is still putting pressure on markets across the country, with no end in sight, Anthony Smith and Zach Strickland help break down why it is continuing.

On this episode of Freightonomics, they welcome FreightWaves Detroit Bureau Chief Alan Adler to discuss everything from Class 8 truck orders to OEM supply chain problems to labor shortages. 

First up, Strickland and Smith debate meme-onomics and highlight some of the best freight memes to hit the internet this...


GSCW chat recap: Fuel efficiency and a changing automotive supply chain

FreightWaves Executive Publisher Kevin Hill and TruckLabs founder and CEO Daniel Burrows as GSCW

This fireside chat recap is from Day 4 of FreightWaves’ Global Supply Chain Week. Day 4 focuses on the automotive supply chain.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: How fuel efficiency will change trucking and supply chains

DETAILS: FreightWaves Executive Publisher Kevin Hill and Daniel Burrows look at fuel efficiency in trucking, changes in the automotive supply chain in a post-COVID world and the need for in-person collaboration to properly construct supply chains.

SPEAKER: Burrows is the founder and CEO of...
