Libyan crude output highest since Jul 2013 at ‘more than 1 mil b/d,’ says NOC chairman

Libya’s crude oil production is currently at its highest in more than five years despite current security challenges, the chairman of the state-owned National Oil Corporation said Sunday. Mustafa Sanalla, speaking to reporters ahead of an OPEC/non-OPEC monitoring committee meeting, said that...

The Oil And Gas Situation: The Great Permian Capital Reallocation Begins

A new report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) indicates that the growing shortage of pipeline takeaway capacity in the Permian Basin of West Texas and Southeast New Mexico is resulting in some companies reallocating capital initially earmarked for Permian drilling to other...

US spends $81 billion a year to protect global oil supplies, report estimates

The United States military spends about $81 billion a year to protect oil supplies around the world and keep fossil fuels flowing into American gas stations, according to new analysis. Securing America’s Future Energy, a think tank that advocates for reducing U.S. dependence on oil, released the...

OPEC raises U.S. oil supply outlook, sees lower demand for own crude

A steady rise in U.S. oil output will gather pace in the next five years, OPEC said on Sunday, predicting that demand for the producer group’s crude will decline despite a growing appetite for energy fed by global economic expansion. “Declining demand for OPEC crude is a result of strong non-OPEC...