Check Call: The biggest international stage

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Image: Pinterest/Skiing memes

Every four years athletes from all over the world come together to compete at the Winter Olympics. This year they were held in Beijing. I don’t know if everyone watches the Olympics like I do, but I’ve always wondered how the heck do all of these people get there, the equipment, the housing, etc? What all goes into the logistics of the Winter Olympics? 

Turns out each city handles it a little differently. The official carrier of the Olympics is UPS — what I...

The Log Book: Walmart honors driver in Every Day Heroes program

The Log Book is a weekly rundown of human-interest stories related to the transportation industry. This week: Walmart showcases truck driver in its Every Day Heroes program, Wreaths Across America recognizes trucking company for volunteer efforts and Schneider driver’s daughter advances to Olympic diving semifinals on Saturday.

Walmart honors driver in Every Day Heroes program

Walmart recently honored a driver from Mint Hill, North Carolina, as part of its Every Day Heroes program, created in...

The logistics of the Olympics — Cyberly

Cyberly thumb

The ethos of competition is being better, faster and stronger than the next person. We see it in every aspect of business, life and, of course, sports.

Right now the peak of competition is about to play out in Tokyo at the Olympic Games. In 2020 we saw what the world looked like without sports and what a society looks like without rooting for a common goal. 

Blythe Brumleve looks at competition through the lens of logistics at the Tokyo Olympics and how that has evolved and continues to evolve...

Too close to call in the Women’s 470

Too close to call in the Women’s 470

While it was always possible for women to compete in Olympic Events in the ‘open era’, the reality was that very few did.

Click here for the 470 Women’s video preview.

So for the Seoul 1988 Olympic Games in Korea, the first ever women’s sailing event was created, and the 470 was the equipment chosen for the job. The women use exactly the same equipment as the men in their 470 division, although Tokyo 2020 will be the last time that men and women compete...

How are 325 horses getting to the Tokyo Olympics?

A dark brown show horse in a competition.

The Olympic Games will begin in one week in Tokyo – a year behind schedule because of the COVID pandemic. One of the 46 sports on display will be equestrian, which is divided into three disciplines: dressage, which highlights the elegant ballet-like moves of the horse and rider, jumping and a triathlon of sorts that includes the first two disciplines plus a cross-country test.

Getting the equestrian teams and all their equipment to the Olympic Games is an enormous undertaking and the air cargo...