State weight exemptions targeted by OOIDA in wide-ranging letter to Congressional leaders

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) has sent a five-page letter to Congressional leaders, asking for a laundry list of  changes to boost the current market for drivers, including one that is likely to be an issue in the short term – state weight exemptions.

The letter, sent May 13 to the majority and minority leaders of both the Senate and the House, include issues that in many cases have been on the table for months if not years. But the easing of the weight restrictions...

OOIDA asks Congress to mandate brokers supply deal data to carriers

The continuing anger on the part of independent owner-operators targeting the broker community for low trucking rates has now led to the owner-operators’ trade group asking Congress to amend a current federal law governing broker-carrier relations.

In a letter sent Wednesday to all 535 members of Congress, Todd Spencer, the president and CEO of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, asked for what the organization called “two simple solutions” to federal regulations under title 49,...