Update on Scrubber Discharge Bans in Countries & Ports

Countries and Ports to hold Restrictions on EGCS Discharges Apply, an article was published on North P&I Club.

Scrubber in shipping industry

It is known that the use of scrubbers has split the shipping industry. To date, several ports and regions have stated that they will not allow the discharge of washwater from scrubbers.

In light of the above, North P&I Club summarized the positions taken by ports that have or will prohibit the use of scrubbers, or have placed conditions on their use.



Yet Another Country Says “No” To Open Loop Scrubbers

  • Oman has become the latest country to ban the use of open-loop scrubbers in its territorial waters.
  • Wash water from scrubbers are not allowed to be discharged in Oman’s waters unless an approved private facility is used.

Oman has banned the use of open-loop scrubbers within its territorial waters, reports the Standard Club.

A note from Inchcape Shipping Services relayed via Standard Club warned that there was no known limit for pollution fines due to the discharge of scrubber washwater in Oman...


Ports Too Quick To Ban Open-loop Scrubbers! Study Says No Breach of Guidelines!

  • Study says open-loop scrubber discharge does not breach guidelines.
  • Increase in traceable pollutants from open-loop scrubbers in port water and sediments shown but levels are far below the established guidelines.
  • CE Delft presented the paper to IMO during PPR 7 in February 2020 and also to delegates at the 2020 Clean Shipping Alliance in London.

A study by CE Delft shows that the level of traceable pollutants from open-loop scrubbers in port water and sediments are far below the established...


Open Loop Scrubber Puzzle for Boxship Operators at Chinese Ports!

  • Vessels with open-loop scrubbers are expecting operational disruptions at chinese ports as there is no clear procedure insight.
  • Open-loop scrubber installed vessels are quired to switch to LSFO as they approach the coastal areas of China
  • But this automatic switch seems impractical and chinese port authorities will be preoccupied with coronavirus outbreak to look into the matter
  • While traveling outside the coastal areas in China, the shipowner must provide port state control letter as they are...


Seanergy Maritime Has 50% of Its Fleet Scrubbers Fitted

  • Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp has completed its IMO 2020 compliance plan by installing scrubbers.
  • The costs of the scrubber program were borne by the vessels’ charterers under long term time-charters
  • The total investment by the charterers in Seanergy’s vessels exceeded $14m. 
  • Open-loop U-type scrubbers designs built by Hyundai Materials Corporation of South Korea were fitted.
  • The installations took place at Yiu Lian shipyard in Zhoushan, China.
  • Sufficient quality of marine gas oil (MGO) at...


Malaysia Bans Open-loop Scrubbers, Makes FONAR Mandatory

In a major development, Malaysia has announced that they are prohibiting the use of open-loop scrubbers for ships plying in Malaysian waters, as Southeast Asia’s third-largest economy joins the growing number of nations adopting new industry guidelines on reducing sea pollution, reports Reuters.

New regulations from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) will require shippers to adopt more environmentally-friendly measures to manage their fleets, including reducing the sulphur content in...


Open-loop Scrubbers Debate Adds To Uncertainty Ahead of IMO 2020

  • Ban of open-loop scrubbers is a global debate that still continues and adds to uncertainty in the industry ahead of the implementation of the 2020 Sulfur cap.
  • Open-loop scrubbers send water used to clean emissions back into the sea while closed-loop scrubbers retain the emissions for disposal at port.
  • countries remain divided over open-loop scrubbers due to environmental concerns over the discharge of polluted washwater into the sea.
  • As per CSA 2020, more than 20 ports indicated they had no...


BPA Concerned About Ports Open Loop Scrubbers Ban

Mr. Mark Simmonds from the British Ports Association said that the impact of open-loop scrubbers on sediments in harbour areas remains unclear. That is concerning many in the ports industry. The words ‘port infrastructure’ usually conjures up images of quay walls, breakwaters, roads and cranes. But some of the most critical infrastructure to port operations is below the water berths and navigational channels maintained at safe depths, reports SteelGuru.

All UK harbour authorities, regardless of...


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