Regional Regulations Cripple IMO’s Decarbonisation Goal

Ship owners and operators want International shipping stakeholders to collaborate through IMO to support its decarbonisation effort and avoid regional regulations, says an article published in Riviera Maritime Media.

Regional regulations 

One of the main concerns among panellists at an owner and operators’ session during the Riviera Maritime Media’s MAP Europe conference was the regional regulations.

According to them, regional regulations are patchwork that will undermine international shipping’s...

Malaysia Bans Open-loop Scrubbers, Makes FONAR Mandatory

In a major development, Malaysia has announced that they are prohibiting the use of open-loop scrubbers for ships plying in Malaysian waters, as Southeast Asia’s third-largest economy joins the growing number of nations adopting new industry guidelines on reducing sea pollution, reports Reuters.

New regulations from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) will require shippers to adopt more environmentally-friendly measures to manage their fleets, including reducing the sulphur content in...

Disintegrated Actions Against Scrubber a Concern, IMO

Frederick Kenny, Director of Legal and External Affairs at the IMO, voiced concern over the prospect of fragmented scrubber regulations, reports Ship & Bunker.

Local and regional actions 

“The IMO secretariat’s view is that global regulations implemented consistently and enforced uniformly are the best way to go,” he told BIMCO.

“When you see local and regional action being taken, it can be a cause for concern if it is inconsistent with IMO regulations. We need a level playing field, and that is...

BPA Concerned About Ports Open Loop Scrubbers Ban

Mr. Mark Simmonds from the British Ports Association said that the impact of open-loop scrubbers on sediments in harbour areas remains unclear. That is concerning many in the ports industry. The words ‘port infrastructure’ usually conjures up images of quay walls, breakwaters, roads and cranes. But some of the most critical infrastructure to port operations is below the water berths and navigational channels maintained at safe depths, reports SteelGuru.

All UK harbour authorities, regardless of...

The Scrubber Debate Ahead of IMO 2020

  • To comply with the Sulphur regulation, scrubbers are turning out to be a favourite for the ship-owners due to cost and convenience.
  • More than 10 countries, including major ones like China, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, California, Germany and more, banning the open-loop scrubbers.
  • The benefit of using the scrubbers is that ships with scrubbers can continue to run on the cheaper bunker fuel.
  • A whole new fuel-system has to be installed and replacing to compliant fuel is an expensive process.
  • Scrubber is...

80% of scrubbers are open-loop: DNV GL

According to classify society DNV GL, the vast majority of over 3,000 scrubber installations to ships are for open-loop systems despite concerns over washwater, with some countries banning use in their waters, reports Seatrade Maritime News.

3266 Scrubbers Installations

Recently, Fabian Kock, head of certification for DNV GL told a webinar, that over 3,000 ships, both newbuilds and existing would have scrubbers fitted, or already had systems installed, to comply with the IMO 2020 sulphur cap.


China’s Scrubber Restriction Zone To Be Expanded

  • BEIJING to expand its ECA limit where the discharge of wash water from open-loop exhaust gas cleaning system are prohibited.
  • Expansion  will require vessels with open-loop scrubbers to switch to complaint fuels when entering the ECA, potentially reducing savings upon using cheaper HSFO.
  • IMO has stipulated that discharged wash water should not be greater than 50 micrograms per litre phenanthrene equivalence above the inlet water PAH.
  • Chinese seawater quality standards have a cap of 0.0025...

Scrubber Alliance Demands Few Open Loop Bans

In a major development, the Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 (CSA) calls for no bans on open-loop scrubbers, says an article published in Hands International Maritime Journal.

The Alliance which has now over 30 shipping companies announced this recently, prior to the beginning of the IMO MEPC74 held in the middle of this month.

Scrubbers Washwater Environment-friendly?

At various meetings with government representatives, CSA members have submitted scientific evidence to show that washwater discharge...

Ships Scrub Up To Meet New Pollution Standard

The new international limit for sulfur emissions is prompting a shift toward a controversial technology, writes Lina Zeldovich in an article published in Hakai Magazine.

Here’s an excerpt from it.

Fresh air awaits in coastal cities

If you live in Coastal city with a large port,January 2020 might bring you a bit of fresh air. The ships arriving at your docks should be puffing out cleaner exhaust with significantly less sulfur.

What is the reason behind the Sulphur cap?

The burning of ship bunker fuel...

Open Loop Scrubbers Viable for 80-90% of Global Shipping

  • Yara Marine sees 80-90% open loop scrubbers feasible, though a growing number of countries and regions around the world are introducing bans on the same.
  • Some studies shown no real environmental impact by open loop bans.
  • Few maintain that the effects of wash water have yet to be assessed or may even be harmful, or for reasons other than environmental concern.
  • Open loop scrubbers, do not perform effectively in water with low alkalinity, so systems supplying alkali in a closed loop are required.