Το «who is who» του Sam Altman που δημιούργησε το ChatGPT και… απολύθηκε

Τίποτε δεν προμήνυε την χθεσινή ανακοίνωση του ΔΣ της εταιρείας OpenAI ότι απομακρύνει από την θέση του διευθύνοντος συμβούλου τον άνθρωπο πίσω από το πρόγραμμα που έκανε την εταιρεία διάσημη…

Το «who is who» του Sam Altman που δημιούργησε το ChatGPT και… απολύθηκεΗ ΝΑΥΤΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΗ


OpenAI Launches New Tool To Detect Text Written By AI

Credit: Zac Wolff/ unsplash
  • ChatGPT maker OpenAI says its latest tool makes mistakes but is more prepared to handle outputs from recent AI systems than a version from 2019.
  • The startup, which built ChatGPT, wants feedback on the tool from parents and teachers.
  • The release comes two months after OpenAI captured the public’s attention when it introduced ChatGPT.

Artificial intelligence research startup OpenAI on Tuesday introduced a tool that’s designed to figure out if text is human-generated or...


ChatGPT May Eliminate These Jobs: ‘Wolf At The Door’


A recent news article published in the NY Post states that ChatGPT could make these jobs obsolete: ‘The wolf is at the door’.

AI era has begun

Artificial intelligence is here, and it’s coming for your job.

So promising are the tool’s capabilities that Microsoft — amid laying off 10,000 people — has announced a “multiyear, multibillion-dollar investment” in the revolutionary technology, which is growing smarter by the day.

And the rise of machines leaves many well-paid...
