Check Call: Data is everywhere

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Getting useful metrics that actually help provide an accurate picture of what is happening can be challenging. Metrics can simply be on-time rates, bounce percentages and visibility. Or they can get more in-depth with margin, revenue and service per carrier/shipper. 

Scorecards for carriers, shippers and brokers aren’t going anywhere. They’re here to stay and through some proper planning and development, you can make them work for you. 

Using the data collected...

What happened to gig workers in 2020? Gridwise report tells the story

Gig economy drivers took a big hit when the nation shut down because of COVID-19 in early 2020, but many have bounced back, and some have even thrived, according to a report from Gridwise, a rideshare and delivery assistance company.

Ryan Green, co-founder and CEO of Gridwise, told Modern Shipper that the supply of gig drivers is still about 40% below where it needs to be at this point.

“From the supply of drivers as soon as the pandemic came in March, by April we saw a 65% decline in drivers for...