Interior clarifies OCS renewable energy regulatory role

Deepwater Wind's Block Island Wind Farm is the first commercial wind energy project inU.S. waters. Department of Energy photo.

The Department of the Interior (DOI) today announced steps to ensure workplace safety on outer continental shelf (OCS) renewable energy facilities. The new policy, which will be published in the Federal Register on Oct. 18, clarifies that DOI will act as the principal federal agency for the regulation and enforcement of safety and health requirements for OCS renewable energy facilities.

“This policy statement is a major milestone in advancing the renewable energy program on the OCS,” said Bureau...

Recent initiatives have increased safety offshore, BSEE director says

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Director Scott Angelle met with staff and offshore energy representatives at key meetings in the Gulf of Mexico region recently to underscore the importance of safe and environmentally sustainable operations. He delivered remarks at both the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) Well Control Conference in Galveston, Texas and the Deepwater Technical Symposium in New Orleans.

“The Bureau has heard what our stakeholders were...

East Coast seismic permits set stage for new legal fight

A seismic survey ship. International Association of Geophysical Contractors photo.

A decision by federal authorities to issue permits for East Coast seismic surveys has set the Trump administration on a new collision course with hostile state governments and environmental groups vowing to fight in court.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Nov. 30 issued incidental harassment permits to five companies to pursue geophysical work using air gun surveys off the Mid-Atlantic states – extending to Florida’s Atlantic coast, despite the administration’s previous...

Oregon governor issues executive order to block offshore drilling

Four platforms off the coast of California. BOEM photo

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown issued an executive order last week blocking offshore oil drilling off the Oregon coast, including the outer continental shelf (OCS), by preventing the development of any infrastructure in the state that would support such activity.

The order says that all 363 miles of the state’s coastline is accessible to the public and that the land and water along the coast represents tremendous economical and recreational benefits to the people of the state of Oregon.

“Offshore oil and...

Coast Guard withdraws proposed OCS rule

Photo courtesy of Diamond Offshore

The Coast Guard has withdrawn the proposed rule “Outer Continental Shelf Activities” published Dec. 7, 1999. The proposed rule was withdrawn due to the passage of time, advances in technology, and changes in industry practices that have rendered the proposed rule obsolete, the Coast Guard said.

The proposed rule was withdrawn Sept. 19.

The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposed revisions to the Coast Guard’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) regulations that pertain to workplace safety and health on...