Panama orders cancellation of all sanctioned vessels and owners

Panama’s government has issued an Executive Decree ordering the cancellation of ships or registered owners included in international sanction lists from the Panama Ship Registry.

The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) announced that a legal mechanism has been established that will allow the immediate cancellation of the registration and navigation patent for international or domestic service of vessels of the national merchant fleet that are included in sanction lists.

Additionally, any other...

Panama Concludes General Merchant Marine Law Revision

Credits: Joshua Miranda/ Pexels
  • A total of 188 articles were reviewed; 70 were modified; 10 were eliminated and more than 12 new articles were proposed, and all of them were approved in consensus.
  • The revision of the General Merchant Marine law brought several novelties, among them.
  • The vessel has a unique registration number, resulting in better control and follow-up in the administrative and documentary part of the vessel.

The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) and Panama’s main maritime...

The Panama Ship Registry will invest in technological transformation in 2022

The Panama Ship Registry will invest in technological transformation in 2022

Globe Polaris

PANAMA-January 27, 2022- The Panama Ship Registry closed year 2021 with a total of 8,558 vessels and 236M  GT, an increase of 2.33% over the previous year of 230.5M tons GT, according to IHS Markit.

Panama Registry flags 15% of the world fleet according to Clarksons research.

The Panama Ship Registry brought to the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) an income of more than $87.3 M in 2021, or 34% more than in...

Panama Ship Registry grows 3.2m g in time of crisis

Panama Ship Registry grows 3.2m g in time of crisis

PANAMA-June 9, 2021- In spite of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, Panama Ship Registry continues to grow. During the first four months of this year, 104 newly built vessels were registered, representing 3.2M GT, showing that the Panamanian Register remains the flag of preference and most favorable option thanks to the country’s legal security.

The fleet’s performance reached 96.6% compliance at the end of the first period of 2021, according to...

The AMP manages to recover more than 2 million dollars in wages owed to Seafarers

The AMP manages to recover more than 2 million dollars in wages owed to Seafarers

Thanks to the mediation of the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP), through the General Directorate of Seafarers (DGGM), the payment of USD $2,021,691.29 in wages owed by the shipowners to the seafarers was achieved, while around five hundred thirty-nine (539) repatriations were carried out on Panamanian flag vessels, in various parts of the world, by the end of 2020.

It was the result of the processing of four hundred...

Panama: effective response to seafarers from 25 different countries

Effective response to seafarers from 25 different countries

Panama makes the first Isthmic transhipment in the World, during the sanitary crisis of COVID-19 moving crews from the Pacific to the Atlantic

“We are very proud to carry out the first “Isthmic Transhipment” operation in the world during the Coronavirus health crisis (COVID-19), which consists of about ninety-one (91) crew members, of around twenty-five (25) nationalities that were on board the Carnival Miracle Cruise in the Pacific...

The Canal Connection – October 2019

A vessel passing through the Panama Canal

The Canal Connection – October 2019

Improved Technology Platform VUMPA Eases Maritime Procedures in Panama

Earlier this month, the Panama Canal and the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) upgraded their Panama Maritime Single Window System (VUMPA, for its acronym in Spanish). This joint effort will not only further optimize national maritime procedures required for international vessels visiting Panama, but also demonstrates how technology can be leveraged to...