Shipping Australia agrees (mostly!) with the latest ACCC report, but the competition watchdog’s position on container hire fees is unreasonable

Pictured: a container terminal. Photo credit: Bellergy RC via Pixabay.

Shipping Australia welcomes most of the positions in the recent (12 December 2022) Container Stevedoring Monitoring Report from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Australian container ports ought to have regulatory oversight
We largely agree with the ACCC’s position on Australia’s container ports – they have little to no regulatory oversight, and, given both their pivotal importance to Australia and the fact...

Shipping Australia gives evidence to the Productivity Commission

Pictured: tugs pushing a box ship into berth at a container port. Photo credit: William William via Unsplash.

Shipping Australia gave evidence to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into Australia’s Maritime Logistics systems last Friday.

Shipping Australia CEO, Capt. Melwyn Noronha, delivered an impassioned speech urging the Productivity Commission to change course on a variety of matters flagged in its draft report.

Specifically, at the hearing, we urged that there be regulation, governance...

Ocean shipping industry mostly OK with repeal of Part X

Pictured: cyclists competing in a race. Photo credit: Quino Al via Unsplash.

Ms Gina Cass-Gottlieb, head of the competition watchdog, early this week criticised the part of the law that allows shipping companies to collaborate.

And the ocean shipping industry is mostly OK with that.

This shouldn’t come as a shock – the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission has repeatedly criticised Part X of the Competition and Consumer Act. And Shipping Australia has repeatedly also said we’re mostly OK...

Explainer: shipping could support a repeal of Part X and a replacement with a block exemption

Track athletes get ready to compete. Photo credit: Matt Lee via Unsplash.

Various commentators like to beat on the shipping industry with calls for the repeal of Part X, which is a bit of law that gives various exemptions to liner shipping companies from normal competition law.

Here’s a SHOCKER for you… most shipping lines would largely be OK with a repeal of Part X, provided that there is a block exemption instead.

So, why does shipping need an exemption from competition law?

Well, shipping doesn...

Happy Birthday Quay Shipping!

Quay Shipping, a full member of Shipping Australia, recently celebrated 15 years in business! Congratulations Quay!

The Brisbane-based company, which has offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland, acts as agents for Pacific Forum Line and Sinotrans Container Line.

We sat down with the Founder and Managing Director, Darren Dumbleton, to find out more about Quay.

Can you tell us about the business of Quay Shipping?

Quay Shipping Australia is a full service container liner agency company....