Dry and Wet Markets lose steam; the despicable developments in Ukraine are far from over and a permanent Peace, a midsummer’s night dream. Covid strikes back…

John Faraclas

Midweek Market blues as BDI fells under 2,600 points threshold and Wets follow suit. Ukraine is the biggest set up and actors involved do not know their role as the script was too complicated… Shame, shame, Shame… Covid’s resurge will cause more mess. John Faraclas’ brief midweek recap:

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) was down 98 points and now reads 2,591…

The Capes’ BCI was down 191 losing both the 2,700 and 2,800 points threshold and now stands at 2,632…

The Panamaxes’ BPI was down 99...


Ukraine: The Mighty Continent MUST act!

Ukraine: The Mighty Continent MUST act!

John Faraclas

By John Faraclas

We are all watching this theatre of the absurd enfolding once again in our neighbourhood and it’s about time politicians come down to their senses before they, and all of us all over Planet Ocean, come down to our knees. Politicians are being paid to look after humanity’s wellbeing!

The Mighty Continent MUST get its act together before it is too late. No verbal excuses. United we can maintain Peace all around our neighborhood;...
