Maersk Line to notify Peak Season Surcharge

Maersk Line is notifying a Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) of USD 100 for 20’ and USD 100 for 40’ applicable to ALL DRY Cargo from Turkey to Red Sea, Middle East, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, effective from 15th January 2019 to 31st January 2019.

For your reference, we have also included the levels and the rate structure for some sample corridors valid from today until further notice. These charges may be changed in the future and we will notify you accordingly.

Origin Destina...

New APL’s Peak Season Surcharge

APL will apply the following Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) with effect from 7 January 2019 until further notice:

Origin: All Countries
Destinations: Mediterranean, Black Sea & North Egypt

Currency D20’ D40’/ D40’HC
Peak Season Surcharge (PSS)USD200400

The PSS will be applicable for the service scope stated above and will also be subject to the Freight All Kind (FAK) Basic Ocean Rates announced on 18 December 2018.

The FAK Basic Ocean Rates do not include and are subject to Bunker...