The crew of the PELICAN is set to use the inflatable wing sail prototype Wisamo (Wing Sails Mobility) by the Michelin Group, starting this week. The wing is expected to be utilized for 6 to 8 hours during a 30-hour crossing. The Wisamo inflatable sail is a 100 m² wing that was installed on the...
Concept design completed on future Gulf Coast research vessel
JMS Naval Architects has completed the concept design of a 125-foot (38-metre) Gulf Coast research vessel for Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON). JMS was c ..
Brittany Ferries Says Demand for Unaccompanied Trailers Is Rising
Brittany Ferries believes more companies will look west in the months to come, and it has urged hauliers and logistics companies to get in touch. Brittany Ferries says the proportion of unaccompanied units is already much higher than in previous years. Since sailings of the new GALICIA began in...