By Mid-2025, 11% of Tanker Demand Will Be 20+ year-old

Credit: precious-madubuike-JC9S-unsplash

20+ year-old tankers set to make up 11% of all tanker demand by mid-2025, states a Splash 247 news source.

On track to make up 11% of all tanker demand by mid-2025

Tankers still working aged above 20 years of age made up just 1% of the global tanker fleet pre-covid, and were still a rarity at 3% before the invasion of Ukraine in late February last year. They’re now on track to make up 11% of all tanker demand by mid-2025, according to data from brokers...

P&I Clubs Takes A Hard Line In Renewal

According to an article published in Lloyd’s List, mostInternational Group affiliates are currently seeking higher insurance premium in the order of 5-10%.

P&I Clubs

P&I CLUBS are taking a tough line in the current renewal round, in which most International Group affiliates are openly seeking higher premiums in the order of 5%-10%, although some could cave in before next week’s deadline, a senior figures in the sector said.

The comments reflect the element of negotiation inevitably involved in...

600,000 Seafarers Maltreatment Needs a Practical Solution

Andrew Craig-Bennett writes for Splash247 on how unless all nations permit seamen to come ashore, P&I cover three months from now should stop.

He brings to us a practical way to deal with the shameful maltreatment of 600,000 people in his own style.  He also gives suggestions to overcome this issue.

Silly little accidents

We can’t go on like this. We all know it. The frequency of silly little accidents that pop up in near miss reports and such like has increased, is increasing, it ought to be...

Negligently Prepared Passage Plan Renders Vessel Unseaworthiness

  • International law aims to apportion risk in the transport of goods between the ship interests and cargo interests.
  • Shipowners are responsible for cargo claims caused by unseaworthiness of the ship.
  • But are exempt from liability for cargo claims caused by certain risks, including navigational errors.
  • The decision in Alize 1954 v Allianz Elementar Versicherungs AG (The “CMA CGM LIBRA”) [2020] EWCA Civ 293 shifts the boundary between “seaworthiness” and “navigation”.
  • As a result shipowners happen...

Expert Opinion on Soya Bean Cargoes From Brazil To China

  • Soya beans is one of the big markets in the world with Brazil leading the race as the biggest producer followed by the United States.
  • Consultant scientist, Dr Stephanie Heard shares his views on the carriage of soya beans in bulk between Brazil and China.
  • He also clarified some of the problems that may be encountered due to moisture content at loading.

Gard brings out the expert’s view to understand more about the trade, the cause of the damage and some advice for mitigation of losses where...

Career Tracks: Hanks recognized as American Maritime Hero

Tom Hanks

The American Maritime Partnership (AMP) has named Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks the recipient of the American Maritime Hero Award.

The award recognizes individuals or groups of individuals who have added to the rich heritage of the United States as a maritime nation through their professional contributions, courage, outstanding achievements or noble qualities. U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and World War II merchant mariners were named the AMP’s first American Maritime...

Crisis looms for trapped crews warns IMO

The Maritime sector is on the verge of a humanitarian crisis the International Maritime Organization (IMO) secretary general told permanent representatives of the United Nations body, which met virtually this week.

Kitack Lim was speaking on the day that the Hong Kong authorities finally relented to pressure from the Hong Kong Ship Owners’ Association (HKSOA) who had been pressuring the government to establish rules that will allow crew changes to be made.

According to figures from a number of...

Shipping group promotes standardized e-bill of lading

The Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA) said the COVID-19 pandemic has made the need for a standardized industry e-bill of lading (eBL) greater than ever.

Cargo in ports sometimes can’t be gated out because paper bills of lading simply are getting stuck in a supply chain mucked up by the pandemic, according to DCSA, which argues that eliminating paper from the shipping transaction will make every aspect of container shipping better, faster, cheaper, more secure and environmentally...

P&I Clubs για Covid-19: Tι πρέπει να προσέχουν πληρώματα και προσωπικό ξηράς

Δεδομένης της επίδρασης του κορονοϊού στο ναυτιλιακό γίγνεσθαι, το International Group of P&I Clubs, σε συνεργασία με άλλους οργανισμούς της ναυτιλιακής βιομηχανίας, εξέδωσε τις κατευθυντήριες γραμμές για τον Covid-19, που σκοπό έχουν τη μη μετάδοση του ιού από το προσωπικό ξηράς στα πληρώματα που βρίσκονται εν πλω.

Σκοπός των νέων κατευθυντήριων γραμμών είναι η αντιμετώπιση των ανησυχιών που έχουν κυρίως οι ναυτικοί σχετικά με την αλληλεπίδραση με άτομα που ανεβαίνουν στο πλοίο. Σύμφωνα με το...