FMC chairman Maffei raises concerns about PierPass charges

Daniel B. Maffei, the chairman of the United States Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), has issued a statement on 11 February on proposed PierPass change “that would make permanent an incentive program for off-peak gate use that was set to expire on 31 January” at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

Agreement parties claim that they were asking for this extension at the request of US President Biden’s Port Envoy.

“Neither Biden nor others advocating off-peak gate incentives could have known...

FMC considering PierPass overcharge investigation

The nation’s top international ocean shipping regulator wants to investigate whether West Coast terminal operators are taking advantage of supply chain disruptions by gouging shippers on rates charged for off-peak terminal gates.

Federal Maritime Commission Chairman Daniel Maffei on Friday said he will ask for a meeting of the full commission “as soon as practicable” to consider whether the agency should launch the probe of PierPass, a nonprofit company set up in 2005 by Los Angeles and Long...

President Biden sets out to build bridges to re-connect ‘a new America’

In a speech in Minnesota  yesterday, President Biden acknowledged the support for his infrastructure bill across the political divide.
He said a new America was about to evolve, “fit to meet the competitive edge of the 21st century”.
The president explained this would require: “Training as construction managers to oversee all phases of construction projects we’re going to be seeing all across Minnesota, like the Twin Port Interchange and Ports Interchange in …

The post President Biden sets out...

Unplugging USWC gateways still tricky, thanks to ‘insatiable’ consumers

As Americans enjoy their Thanksgiving holiday today, they must be wondering how smooth their shopping experience in the coming days is going to be.
Over the past weeks there has been a rising chorus of warnings of likely stock outages as a result of supply chain disruptions.
While these have occurred all the way from closed factories in China and South-east Asia, to clogged rail yards in the Midwest, most of the …

The post Unplugging USWC gateways still tricky, thanks to ‘insatiable’ consumers...

PierPass: OffPeak program diverted 48 million truck trips

PierPass Inc. said Tuesday its OffPeak program has taken 48 million truck trips out of daytime Southern California traffic since its launch 15 years ago.

OffPeak was designed to reduce cargo-related congestion and pollution in and around the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach by diverting truck trips to night and Saturday shifts funded by the program, according to PierPass, a company created by 12 container terminal operators at both ports in 2005.

PierPass said the number of annual truck trips...

POLB & POLA terminal gates closure notice

PierPass Inc. has been notified that the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) will observe a special stop work meeting for union business on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020, starting at 5 p.m. As a result, no marine terminal gates at the Port of Los Angeles or the Port of Long Beach will operate between the hours of 5:00 p.m. on Feb. 6 through 3:00 a.m. on Feb. 7. There will be no OffPeak shift Thursday night Feb. 6.

This labor shutdown falls under Rule 5 of the Marine Terminal Operator...

POLA & POLB terminal gates closure in August

PierPass Inc. has been notified that the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) will observe a special stop work meeting for union business on Thursday, August 1, 2019, starting at 5 p.m. As a result, no marine terminal gates at the Port of Los Angeles or the Port of Long Beach will operate between the hours of 5:00 p.m. on August 1 through 3:00 a.m. on August 2. There will be no OffPeak shift Thursday night August 1.

You can check with individual terminals for substitute or...