43% Increase of Incidents in the Singapore Strait, Warns ReCAAP

According to a special report published on ReCAAP website, a 43% increase of incidents is shown in Singapore Strait in Jan-Nov 2020.

About the incidents

The 33 incidents of robbery and theft against ships in Singapore Strait during January-November 2020 represent a 43% increase compared to the 23 incidents in January-November 2019, a new special report by ReCAAP ISC warns.

Insight of incidents

This Special Report is to alert the shipping industry and law enforcement agencies on the current...


ISC Half Yearly Report Shows 2-fold Increase in Piracy & Armed Robbery

  • A total of 51 incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships were reported in Asia during January-June 2020.
  • Of the 51 incidents, 50 were actual incidents and one was an attempted incident. Refer to the Appendix on ‘Description of incidents (January-June 2020)’.
  • Compared to January-June 2019, the number of incidents during January-June 2020 increased by almost two-fold.
  • During January-June 2019, 28 incidents (comprising 25 actual incidents and three attempted incidents) were reported.



ReCAAP Calls for Strict Law Enforcement To Curb Piracy and Armed Robbery

  • A total of 51 incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships (comprising 50 actual
    incidents and one attempted incident) were reported in Asia during January-June 2020
    compared to 28 incidents (comprising 25 actual incidents and three attempted incidents)
    during January-June 2019.
  • This accounts for close to a two-fold increase in the total number of incidents reported during JanuaryJune 2020 compared to the same period in 2019.
  • Of the 51 incidents, 49 were incidents of armed robbery...


Three-fold Increase of Piracy Incidents in Asia During Q1, 2020!

ReCAAP ISC report shows a three-fold increase of piracy incidents in Asia during Q1, 2020, says an article published in Safety4Sea.

Q1 2020 piracy report

ReCAAP ISC launched its Q1 2020 report concerning piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia. 

The report showed a three-fold increase of the incidents between January-March 2020, in comparison to the same months last year.

Incidents between January-March 2020

During January-March 2020, a total of 29 incidents of armed robbery against ships 

  • 28...


3 Armed Robberies In Asia! 2 Involves Singapore Vessel, One In Singapore Strait

  • ReCaap released a report represented a 50 percent decrease in piracy when compared with the same period last year.
  • Three reported cases of armed robbery against ships in Asia last month: One occurred in the Singapore Strait and two involved Singapore-flagged vessels.
  • ReCaap advised ships to exercise extra caution when calling at the Caofeidian and Jingtang ports in Hebei province in China.

According to ReCaap, there were three reported cases of armed robbery against ships in Asia last month:...
