Swire Shipping’s NAX service to run fortnightly

Swire Shipping has announced it will operate its North Asia Express (NAX) service on a fixed-day, fortnightly and 42-day rotation basis, from November 2020.

NAX will offer a direct container service to / from North Asia and Papua New Guinea and Queensland. Transhipment is available via Hong Kong for all other Asian ports and the rest of the world. There will be a nine-day transit from Hong Kong, China, to Lae, Papua New Guinea.

The NAX service was first launched in July 2015 to provide a direct...


Swire Shipping introduces new ship for the PNG-Pacific Islands trade

Pictured: the Chefoo (IMO 9848766); Photo: Swire Shipping

A new 2,400 TEU vessel, the Chefoo, has been introduced into the Swire Shipping fleet and it will be deployed on the on Swire’s South East Asia service, which connects South East Asia to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands.

The South East Asia service is part of Swire Shipping’s network focused on connecting global supply chains to the communities of Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands

“We recognise that our key markets rely on...
