Meeting summary for IMO Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR), 8th session, 19-23 April 2021

Meeting summary for IMO Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR), 8th session, 19-23 April 2021

The Sub-Committee addresses all aspects of safety of navigation, reliable communications and improved coordination to avoid maritime accidents; and ensuring a quick and efficient response in case of a search and rescue incident.

GMDSS modernization completed by the Sub-Committee

The Sub-Committee has completed its review of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System...

Consultation into Polar Code due to begin

Consultation into Polar Code due to begin

Consultation on putting international rules designed to protect polar regions and those that sail on them into UK law, is due to begin today. 

The rules cover safety-related requirements for some of the toughest environments on earth including ship design, construction, and equipment as well as the protection of the unique eco-systems of the polar regions. 

Known as the Polar Code, it is the international standard for shipping in those regions, has been...

IMO discusses about Arctic region issues

Arctic Council came in contact with Heike Deggim, Director of IMO’s Maritime Safety Division and discussed about IMO’s interest in the Arctic region and how it engages with the Arctic Council and current projects that is working on.

During the interview, Ms. Heike Deggim noted that IMO has tend its focus on Arctic issues in order to ensure safety in shipping operations in the area and that the regulatory framework protects crewmembers and passengers, while minimize the impacts of the shipping...

IMO SDC 7: Ship stability criteria to be finalized

As the advanced computer technology enables “second generation” intact stability criteria to be further developed, IMO’s Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 7) meeting during 3-7 February, is expected to complete a comprehensive set of interim guidelines focused on this matter at hand.

Specifically, the safety recommendations will include guidelines on vulnerability criteria, direct stability failure assessment and operational measures.

IMO aims to produce a set of guidelines for...

IMO’s NCSR 7 establishes correspondence group to monitor Polar Code application to non-SOLAS ships

The IMO’s Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR), conducted its 7th session in 15-24 January 2020 and amongst major shipping issues, they issued a correspondence group to monitor potential new SOLAS chapters being added to the Polar Code.

Specifically, IMO’s Polar Code ensures the safety of ships that sail in the Arctic and Antarctic areas, keeping in mind the challenging weather condition, the extremes of temperature and that critical equipment remains...

IMO Issues Guidelines on Ship Safety in Polar Waters

IMO’s MSC press briefing highlights the polar ship safety issue as more and more ships are going for arctic voyages. A detailed press release published on the IMO website put forwards the basic guidance given by MSC.

What’s in the guidance issued?

The MSC approved guidance for navigation and communication equipment intended for use on ships operating in polar waters. The guidance includes recommendations on temperature and mechanical shock testing, and on how to address ice accretion and battery...

Overview of MSC 101 outcome

The IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) held its 101st session from June 5 to 14, 2019. After its conclusion, ABS published a brief with an overview of the more important issues agreed at this session. Among others, these include fuel quality and safety, maritime autonomous surface ships, and the approval and adoption of various instruments.

Fuel Quality and Safety

The Committee developed an MSC Resolution suggesting interim measures to improve the safety of ships regarding the use of oil fuel....

MSC 101 focuses on automation, polar shipping and fuel oil safety

The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) is meeting for its 101st session. Its agenda is including maritime autonomous surface ships, polar shipping, and goal-based standards among other agenda items.

Numerous draft amendments will be adopted, such as amendments to mandatory Codes regarding the carriage of possible hazardous cargoes. Namely, the MSC will adopt the draft consolidated edition of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code), as well as a comprehensive set of draft...

IMO receives observer status at Arctic Council

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) announced that it has been granted observer status at the Arctic Council. This will enable the organization to build on previous cooperation with the Arctic Council and engage in close collaboration on various issues related to shipping in the Arctic, and especially in search and rescue, pollution response and maritime safety and protection of the marine environment.

IMO has adopted the Polar Code, which provides mandatory requirements for vessels...

Set of Draft Guidelines Due for Final Validation At MSC 101

A set of draft guidelines due for final validation at MSC 101 in June, 2019 will address a number of concerns and will also reflect a new regulation philosophy that promises more flexibility, reports Tanker operator.

IMO draft guidelines for approval

While in the past, IMO and other regulatory bodies typically issued regulations in response to incidents, the trend today is to be proactive while pursuing a goal-based regulatory approach that defines what should be achieved, rather than how to...