Ship captain, owner sought in Port of Beirut explosion case

Arrest warrants have been issued for the Russian captain and owner of the vessel that carried the ammonium nitrate believed to have caused the massive Port of Beirut explosion.

Al Jazeera said the final tally was 193 people dead, 6,500 wounded and 300,000 homeless as a result of the Aug. 4 blast, blamed on 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate that had been stored in a Port of Beirut warehouse.

The ammonium nitrate, used in agricultural fertilizer, was destined for Mozambique in 2013. But the MV Rhosus...

Beirut Blast Creates a “Massive Crater,” Satellite Imagery Shows

  • Satellite imagery and other aerial footage of the Port of Beirut are steadily emerging showing devastating damage from the explosion.
  • Satellite imagery that The War Zone obtained from Planet Labs shows that detonation left a crater in the dock and is now full of water.
  • The explosions also occurred right next to a set of grain elevators that held approximately 85% of the country’s grain stockpile.

Satellite images obtained by CNN from Planet Labs Inc., show a massive crater at the site of...