Análisis: tarifas del puerto de EE. UU. El último viento en contra para la cadena de suministro de contenedores


Es un momento tumultuoso para estar en la cadena de suministro de contenedores, un negocio que se presta no solo para comprar clichés marítimos sino también verdades tradicionales. Pero decir que la industria enfrenta vientos en contra significativos puede ser un eufemismo. El último disparo a través del arco provino de la oficina del representante […]

Esta entrada Análisis: tarifas del puerto de EE. UU. El último viento en contra para la cadena de suministro de contenedores Aparece primero en Fu...

Analysis: US port fees the latest headwind for container supply chain

It’s a tumultuous time to be in the container supply chain, a business that lends itself not only to shopworn maritime cliches but also time-honored truths. But to say the industry faces significant headwinds may be an understatement.

The latest shot across the bow came from the office of the U.S. Trade Representative, which capped an investigation into China’s maritime business by announcing a sweeping set of expensive port fees meant to penalize Chinese ships and shipbuilding while boosting...

Las nuevas tarifas de los Estados Unidos en los barcos chinos pueden impulsar la demanda de ferrocarril intermodal canadiense


La administración Trump ha propuesto tarifas nuevas y encendidas en los barcos con construcción china y operada por chinos en los puertos de EE. UU., Un movimiento que podría remodelar las rutas de envío de América del Norte y ofrecer ventajas significativas a los puertos y ferrocarriles canadienses. Según la propuesta de Representante Comercial de […]

Esta entrada Las nuevas tarifas de los Estados Unidos en los barcos chinos pueden impulsar la demanda de ferrocarril intermodal canadiense...

New U.S. fees on Chinese ships may drive demand for Canadian intermodal rail

The Trump administration has proposed steep new fees on Chinese-built and Chinese-operated ships docking at U.S. ports, a move that could reshape North American shipping routes and deliver significant advantages to Canadian ports and railroads.

Under the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) proposal, ships constructed in China would face fees of up to $1.5 million per U.S. port call. Vessel operators with even one Chinese-built ship in their fleet could be charged $500,000 per call, while Chinese...

China And US Ports Reflect Container Shipping’s Ongoing Doldrums

Credit: guillaume-bolduc-unsplash
  • Air is becoming one of the largest products inside the world’s containers as rates slump and consumer demand falters.
  • In China, empty containers are stacking up at the nation’s largest ports, with management at many terminals now actively shifting surplus boxes to secondary ports to free up space.
  • It comes at a time where the global number of metal boxes has hit record highs as lines rushed to order more containers during the supply chain pandemonium of the...

Seroka: National Guard is ‘backup plan’ for LA port congestion

Three large container ships with black hulls and MSC painted on the side tied up at a large wharf with cranes.

The Port of Long Beach reported Thursday it handled 8.6 million shipping units through November, smashing its all-timeannual volume record before the year is done amid relentless consumer demand for imported goods. Next door in Los Angeles, the port director said using the National Guard to evacuate containers is still an option if more cargo lingers beyond its move-by date and terminal congestion worsens again.

Officials at the San Pedro Bay ports this week trumpeted how the threat of hefty...

Trucking trade group to Gov. Newsom: Enforce law on port fees

A trucking trade group claims terminal operators and ocean carriers are profiting from the supply chain crisis plaguing California ports. It is urging Gov. Gavin Newsom to enforce a state law to prevent those businesses from charging port truckers excessive container and equipment fees when drivers are unable to return empty containers and grab customers’ loaded ones because of ongoing congestion issues.

The Western States Trucking Association submitted a letter to Newsom on Tuesday, urging him...

PISA: Port, govt fees affect shipping costs

The Philippine Inter-island Shipping Association (PISA) said the port infrastructure and government regulatory fees have great impact on high shipping costs.

PISA President Christopher Pastrana said that the high cost of public transport in the country is due to the high cost of doing business.

“In most cases, shipping cost is only part of the whole chain which includes trucking, and other means used to bring products to market,” Pastrana said.

He said the high cost of operation plus higher taxes...