MOL participates in successful ammonia STS trial led by GCMD

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) participated in the successful ammonia STS trial led by the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD).

In the absence of ammonia bunkering infrastructure, ship-to-ship (STS) transfers provide a close approximation of the bunkering process by replicating its essential steps.

“Translating the recommendations from our 2023 safety study into action through this pair of STS transfers demonstrates the essence of GCMD – operationalising pilots and trials to accelerate...

Pilbara Ports nears 53 million tonnes in February

In February 2024, Pilbara Ports handled a total monthly throughput of 52.7 million tonnes (Mt), marking a 4% decline compared to the same month in 2023.

Port of Port Hedland accounted for 39.5Mt of this throughput, with 38.8Mt attributed to iron ore exports. Overall, there was minimal variance in total throughput compared to February 2023. Imports through this port amounted to 157,000 tonnes, showing a 3% decrease from the previous year.

Meanwhile, the Port of Dampier registered a total...

Pilbara Ports throughput falls in January

In January 2024, Pilbara Ports recorded a total monthly throughput of 58.2 million tonnes (Mt). This marked a 10% decline compared to January 2023.

Specifically, the Port of Port Hedland achieved a monthly throughput of 43.0Mt, with 42.3Mt attributed to iron ore exports. This represents a 12% decrease in total throughput compared to January 2023. Imports through the Port of Port Hedland amounted to 146,000 tonnes, indicating a 15% decrease compared to January 2023.

Meanwhile, the Port of Dampier...

VESSEL REVIEW | Svitzer Marlin – Pilot boat to support LNG terminal operations in Western Australia

Towage operator Svitzer recently took delivery of a new pilot boat from Western Australia-based boatbuilder Dongara Marine. Designed by Southerly Designs, Svitzer Marlin was acquired to help fulfill a contract to provide terminal towage and pilot transfer services at Woodside Energy’s LNG export terminals. Svitzer has a 10-year contractual arrangement with Woodside for the provision […]

The post VESSEL REVIEW | Svitzer Marlin – Pilot boat to support LNG terminal operations in Western Australia...

Pilbara Ports nears 60 million tonnes in July

Pilbara Ports Authority reported a total monthly throughput of 59.7 million tonnes (Mt) for July 2023. In fact, this throughput was a 5% decrease compared to the previous year’s July figure.

In particular, the port of Port Hedland achieved a monthly throughput of 44.5Mt, translating to a 6% drop year-on-year. From the total July throughput, 43.7Mt was iron ore exports. Furthermore, imports at the port of Port Hedland totalled 191,000 tonnes, an increase of 4% compared to July 2022.

Regarding the...

Port of Dampier receives its first cruise ship visit

Pictured: a tug escorts the Caledonian Sky, the first-ever visit of a cruise ship to the Port of Dampier. Photo credit: Pilbara Ports Authority

The first ever cruise vessel arrived at the Port of Dampier in the Pilbara late last week, with approximately 80 passengers disembarking to visit local tourist attractions.

Pilbara Ports Authority (PPA) facilitated the vessel arrival on Thursday 13 April at the operational port, which is primarily used for the export of iron ore, LNG and salt.

PPA Chief...

REMINISCENCES | Will it sail? The curious case of the patched-up ore carrier

The ship was a 20-year-old OBO converted to carry heavy ore, registered and classed in Cyprus. The name was the most recent of a long list of names she had had since she ..

The post REMINISCENCES | Will it sail? The curious case of the patched-up ore carrier appeared first on Baird Maritime.

Pilbara Ports Authority reports annual results

Pilbara Ports Authority has delivered a total annual throughput of 697.2 million tonnes (Mt) for the 2018/19 financial year. This result is a less than 1% change (decrease of 2.06 million tonnes) from last year’s record annual throughput.

In June 2019, Pilbara Ports Authority achieved a total monthly throughput of 64Mt, a 1% increase on the same month in 2018.

Iron ore throughput for June 2019 increased 2% from June 2018, to 60.2Mt.

Total iron ore throughput for 2018/19 was 647.8Mt, a 1% decrease...

Pilbara Ports sees increased monthly throughput

Pilbara Ports Authority has delivered a total monthly throughput of 63.9 million tonnes (Mt) for the month of May 2019. This throughput was a 3% increase compared to the same month in 2018. The total throughput for the 2018/19 financial year to date is 633.2Mt, a decrease of less than 1% from the same time last year.

The Port of Hedland achieved a monthly throughput of 46.6Mt, of which 46.2Mt was iron ore exports. The monthly throughput was a 2% increase from May 2018. Imports through the Port...