California ports join forces to boost competitiveness

The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will strengthen collaborative measures in several areas under an agreement approved by their respective Harbor Commissions.

“Our two ports are the fastest way to move goods between Asia and United States markets and manufacturers,” said Port of Long Beach Executive Director Mario Cordero. “The kind of cooperation that will flow from this agreement ensures we will continue to be the most efficient gateway for shippers.”

“America’s two largest and most...

California Ports proceed with zero-emissions target

The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have released a report on the current state of clean cargo-handling equipment technology as they begin working toward the Clean Air Action Plan’s 2030 goal of a zero-emissions fleet at the nation’s largest seaport complex.

Download the cargo handling equipment feasibility assessment.

A draft assessment was released in April. It examined the current state of technology, operational characteristics, economic considerations, infrastructure availability and...

POLA & POLB terminal gates closure in August

PierPass Inc. has been notified that the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) will observe a special stop work meeting for union business on Thursday, August 1, 2019, starting at 5 p.m. As a result, no marine terminal gates at the Port of Los Angeles or the Port of Long Beach will operate between the hours of 5:00 p.m. on August 1 through 3:00 a.m. on August 2. There will be no OffPeak shift Thursday night August 1.

You can check with individual terminals for substitute or...

Zero-emissions future plans for Californian trucks

To further reduce port truck pollution, the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles are closely monitoring the development of new cleaner truck technologies and assessing the feasibility of the options available.

A new study for the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, the 2018 Feasibility Assessment for Drayage Trucks, represents a snapshot of the state of heavy-duty truck engine technology at this time. Released in early April, the 134-page report evaluates the commercial availability, technical...