Noatum Terminals completes setup of new Liebherr cranes in Spanish terminals

The Spanish port operator, Noatum Terminals has received three Liebherr cranes and is preparing for their installation in the assigned ports, following another one that was commissioned in the port of Sagunto earlier this year.

Noatum Terminals said the cranes have the versatility required to be able to handle different types of cargo, in addition to being equipped with high technology, leading to improved operating performance for the ports. They also contribute to minimising environmental...

Paving begins on the new Port Tarragona Balears Wharf esplanade

Paving begins on the new Port Tarragona Balears Wharf esplanade

The surfacing will take several days and cover the entire 3.8-hectare esplanade

The types of paving will meet the specific needs of each area of the wharf depending
on the use to which it is to be put

The Port Tarragona Balears Wharf is entering a new construction phase with the
agglomerate paving of the 3.8-hectare esplanade. The area closest to the dockside, the
manoeuvring area, will also be surfaced with concrete as it will bear the...

The Port of Tarragona completes the first 460 m of the Balearic Wharf edge beam

The Port of Tarragona completes the first 460 m of the Balearic Wharf edge beam

Work on the 460-m section began at the end of March and since then some 4,000 m3 of concrete have been laid

Construction is about to start on a new 270-m section that will be completed in mid July and will use 2,400 m3 of concrete

The Port of Tarragona has completed the 460-m edge beam on the outer part of the Balearic Wharf using a total of 4,000 m3 of concrete. This week it will carry out the task of moving the...

The Port of Tarragona ships two large installations for the petrochemical industry by sea

The Port of Tarragona ships two large installations for the petrochemical industry by sea

The two destinations for these large installations manufactured in Tarragona are
Belgium and Huelva

The facilities in the Port of Tarragona are optimal for project cargo traffic

The manufacturers, Schwartz-Hautmont, will use the Port of Tarragona’s Lleida Wharf to
ship two large project cargos, one to Belgium and the other to Huelva.

The first is a modularly constructed petrochemical plant that will be...

Spanish ports show half-year growth

A total of 284.5 million tons of shipments were handled at the Spanish ports in the first half (January-June) of 2019, up 2% from a year earlier. General cargo accounted for 139.6 million tons, up 4.1%, including 98.9 million tons of containers. In terms of number, containerized shipments amounted to 8,783,107 TEUs, up 4.3%. Transshipment (T/S) containers totaled 4,748,871 TEUs, up 4.2%. 

Looking at general cargo throughput by port, Algeciras was responsible for 55.7 million tons, up 3.4%;...