Shipping Australia agrees (mostly!) with the latest ACCC report, but the competition watchdog’s position on container hire fees is unreasonable

Pictured: a container terminal. Photo credit: Bellergy RC via Pixabay.

Shipping Australia welcomes most of the positions in the recent (12 December 2022) Container Stevedoring Monitoring Report from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Australian container ports ought to have regulatory oversight
We largely agree with the ACCC’s position on Australia’s container ports – they have little to no regulatory oversight, and, given both their pivotal importance to Australia and the fact...

Shipping Australia welcomes Productivity Commission Draft Report into Australia’s Maritime Logistics

Pictured: tugs push a box ship into berth at a container port. Photo credit: William William via Unsplash.

The draft report of the Productivity Commission’s Australian Maritime Logistics System is long, so we will be analysing it today, and later publishing selected items in our newsletter and on our website.

From the ocean shipping industry’s viewpoint, the draft report is somewhat of a curate’s egg (mostly good, partly adverse), but, pleasingly, the vast majority of the draft report aligns with...

Industrial action and poor work practices disrupt supply chains – ACCC

Pictured: a man stares upwards at a container stack. Photo credit: Pat Whelen via Unsplash.

Ms Gina Cass-Gottlieb, the chair of the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, has warned that Australia’s waterfront work practices and quayside industrial action are disrupting supply chains. These are contributing to the relatively poor performance of Australian ports.

“Any solutions to these challenges should aim to minimise the adverse impact of restrictive work practices and industrial actions...

ACCC chair calls for regulation of box ports and port performance monitoring

Pictured: law books. The chair of the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission has called for regulation of Australia’s container ports. Photo credit: Md Jawadur Rahman via Pexels.

Gina Cass-Gottlieb, the chair of the competition watchdog, has called for the regulation of container ports so as to boost competition. She also called for port performance monitoring.

She told delegates to the Ports Australia conference earlier this week that “proper regulation to compensate for a lack of...

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is correct: inefficient ports are a tax on all Australians

Pictured: containers in a stack. Photo credit: Dale Staton via Unsplash.

Australia’s Prime Minister, Scott Morrison recently, and quite correctly, noted that our ports are the gateway for our economy. He is also quite correct in asserting that port inefficiency is a tax on all Australians.

And our container ports are inefficient.

Our container ports can take days to get a ship to berth.

Our container ports take a long time to process ships. Our slowest port takes up to 51.7 hours of on-berth time...

Shipping Australia CEO urges port and logistics reform at industry roundtable

Pictured: Shipping Australia CEO, Melwyn Noronha. Photo credit: Jim Wilson, Shipping Australia.

The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission’s recent Container stevedoring monitoring report 2020-21 has revealed the weak points in the Australian supply chain.

A high-level meeting was subsequently called by the Department of Home Affairs to discuss the issues in the ACCC report, including port congestion, port performance and industrial relations. Also present were a wide range of...

Ship operating costs up 773%, demand up, supply up, congestion up, shipper propaganda up

Pictured: rows and columns of containers in a stack. Photo: OlafPictures via Pixabay

Current market conditions are caused by a huge surge in the demand for container transport. On the supply side, box port congestion and poor container port performance are  reducing the supply of shipping. The costs to operate a ship are massively escalating.

COVID has induced a demand-squeeze. In such a squeeze, demand increases massively and rapidly while supply (which involves the physical building of, and...

Container ports and landside must solve their problems to resolve freight crisis

World map with transport
Graphic credit: Gerd Altmann via Pixabay.

New analysis from internationally respected maritime analysts, Sea Intelligence, has conclusively demonstrated that the big, un-tackled problems in the ongoing freight crisis can be found at ports and on the landside.

Bottleneck problems in ports

“Building more vessels will not materially solve the problem – partly because vessels ordered today mainly get delivered in late 2023 and in 2024, because injecting more vessels compound the bottleneck problems...

Congestion is causing vessel delays that are equal to removing ALL ultra-large container ships from the market

Pictured: rows and columns of containers in a stack. Photo: OlafPictures

Unprecedented congestion and the resulting delays to vessels have the effect of removing vast amounts of capacity from the world container shipping fleet, internationally respected maritime analyst company Sea-Intelligence has indicated.

Using Sea-Intelligence’s proprietary data, the company found that huge amounts of capacity are being soaked up by delays imposed on vessels. Approximately 25% of capacity on the...

Dreadful performance of Australia’s container ports is revealed

Pictured: a stack of ocean shipping containers. Photo credit: Dale Staton via UnSplash.

Australia’s container ports are near-completely failing Australian exporters, importers, shippers, shipping lines and society in general because they have terrible on-the-job performance.

That’s the only conclusion that can be drawn from a recent assessment of comparable container port performance released by the World Bank, in association with internationally respected analyst firm IHS Markit.

All of our...