MSC Rachele smashes records at Melbourne!

Pictured: the MSC Rachele; Photo: Port of Melbourne Corporation

MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company set a record on 24 November for the heaviest container vessel that has ever entered the Port of Melbourne.

The 8,500 TEU container ship MSC Rachele successfully berthed at Swanson Dock East with a maximum arrival draught of 14.0 mt and an arrival displacement of 123,900 tons.

This achievement is set in the context of exceptionally strong import container trade volumes into Australia, particularly...

Shipping Australia welcomes port visit cost-relief measures and calls on others to follow suit

Pictured: a generic image of a small containership. Photo: Hectorgalarza from Pixabay.

The Port of Brisbane and Port Phillip Sea Pilots have truly shown they value their shipping line customers in this unprecedented COVID-19 crisis.  The Port of Brisbane has frozen prices until 30 June 2021, and Port Phillip Sea Pilots have cut pilotage rates by 10 per cent. 

Shipping Australia commends and thanks Port of Brisbane and Port Phillip Sea Pilots for their support of shipping lines during these...