FONAR Not a “Free Pass”! Beware of These Before Using It

  • The International Chamber of Shipping has welcomed the decision by the IMO that in exceptional cases, be a valid reason for shipowners to be issued with a FONAR.
  • ICS warns FONARs are “NOT A FREE PASS” to use non-compliant low sulphur fuel, but a last resort and cannot be used repeatedly.
  • Documentary evidence on board to prove the limitations during PSC inspections is a must for the issuance of any FONAR.
  • Number of FONARs a ship has submitted in the past 12 months, and the number the operator...

Coast Guard detains seven vessels in Oregon

Lt. Katherine Brodie, a marine inspector at Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Portland, inspects an emergency fishing tackle box kept in the lifeboat aboard the vessel Port Belmonte, during a Port State Control exam at the Port of Portland, Ore., April 30, 2017. Coast Guard photo.

Seven foreign flag vessels have been detained in Oregon since November after Coast Guard examiners found shortcomings during Port State Control inspections – including one case where a ship’s carbon dioxide firefighting system was inoperable.

In that most recent instance the Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Portland found 100 CO2 cylinders still had in place safety pins that prevent accidental discharges of the gas during transportation and installation. That mistake would have prevented...

New Secretary-General appointed to the Paris MOU

Luc Smulders

Luc Smulders has been appointed as the new Secretary-General at the Secretariat of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control. He is succeeding Mr. Richard Schiferli who retired 1st of November 2018 after 29 years of service to the Paris MoU.

Mr Smulders stated: “I am very much looking forward to succeeding Richard Schiferli. He leaves behind a Secretariat that has largely been formed under his leadership and has grown into what it is today. Moreover, although it...