New tool identifies best ports for developing green first-mover initiatives

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and Lloyd’s Register (LR) Maritime Decarbonisation Hub, in collaboration with Arup, have introduced the Sustainable First Movers Initiative Identification Tool, a system to help shipping stakeholders align investment decisions that support the maritime energy...

Junta Directiva de HHLA Aprueba Oferta de Adquisición por parte de MSC

La Junta Ejecutiva y la Junta de Supervisión de HHLA han aprobado la oferta de adquisición por parte de la Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), según lo establecido en el acuerdo marco preliminar vinculante firmado también por la Ciudad de Hamburgo.

Esta entrada Junta Directiva de HHLA Aprueba...

Environmental Report Released For Petroleum Tanks Project

Credits: Chuttersnap/Unsplash

The Port of Long Beach has released a draft report examining the environmental impacts of a proposed project by World Oil Terminals to install two additional petroleum storage tanks at its privately owned and operated facility on Pier C, according to an article published on their website.

Harbor Development Permit

Ribost Terminals has applied for a Harbor Development Permit from the Port to construct and operate two new 25,000-barrel petroleum storage tanks, with...

30% of global ports ‘unprepared’ for incoming IMO’s MSW, survey shows

Kale Logistics Solutions (Kale) has published a readiness survey of 200 ports that revealed 30 percent are not prepared to adopt the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Maritime Single Window (MSW) mandate, which becomes compulsory worldwide from January 2024.

The post 30% of global ports...

220 Baltic Port Organisation

Proactive. Flexible. Resilient.

The Baltic Port Organisation’s mission is to contribute to the economic, social and environmentally sustainable development of maritime transport and the port industry in the Baltic Sea region, thereby strengthening its global competitiveness.
Once a year, the Baltic Ports gather for a Conference, and September 6-8, 2023, the Conference will be hosted by the Port of Ystad. In this episode, we meet Mr Bogdan Oldakowski, Secretary General of the Baltic Port...

8 Shipping Technologies To Help Decarbonise The Industry

Credit: christian-lue-unsplash

Almost every traded good in existence has sailed the high seas. The constant flow of products across oceans is necessary for meeting growing consumer demand. However, global shipping is also a significant driver of climate change, emitting more greenhouse gases than most countries, reports Trade Finance Global.

Reducing the carbon footprint1. Improved ship design

Rounded hulls — a traditional ship shape — are falling out of favour in the cargo industry. Coupled with...

California Grants Port Of Long Beach $383m For Clean Air Projects

Credits: Port of Melbourne

The Port of Long Beach will receive a $383.35 million grant from the California State Transportation Agency to complete a series of construction and clean-air technology projects to accelerate the transformation to zero-emission operations, reports Seatrade Maritime.

Zero emission

The State’s Port and Freight Infrastructure Programme will get nearly $225 million to fund a variety of zero-emissions cargo-moving equipment and supportive infrastructure projects throughout...