Critical Minerals Essential for Key Clean Energy Technologies

In the most comprehensive global study yet, IEA shows need for government action to ensure reliable, sustainable supplies of elements vital for EVs, power grids, wind turbines and other key technologies, says a press release on their website.

World’s Climate Goals

Supplies of critical minerals essential for key clean energy technologies like electric vehicles and wind turbines need to pick up sharply over the coming decades to meet the world’s climate goals, creating potential energy security...

5 far-out facts about space weather

Photo of a solar flare shooting from the sun.

When storms in outer space occur near Earth, it’s called space weather. Rather than the more commonly known weather within our atmosphere — rain, snow, wind, etc. — space weather comes in the form of solar flares and geomagnetic storms caused by disturbances emanating from the sun. The following are five far-out facts about space weather.

Communication breakdown

Gases and particles stream from the sun to Earth at speeds of a million mph. This stream is called the solar wind. Even though the sun...