When Towing Becomes Predatory

Towing is supposed to be a solution that helps get a disabled or wrecked truck off the road safely. But in reality, towing has become a financial ambush for many motor carriers and owner-operators. Predatory towing companies have turned what should be a straightforward recovery process into a multimillion-dollar extortion racket. It’s not just an industry problem; it’s an industry crisis.

How Predatory Towing Exploits the Trucking Industry

The American Trucking Association (ATA) defines predatory...


Indiana tops predatory truck-towing list

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New data compiled by the American Transportation Research Institute underscores the severity of...


Carrier fights $47,000 tow bill in Wyoming; towing company disputes total

An Ohio-based trucking company says black ice caused one of its drivers to jackknife into a ditch on Interstate 80 near Cheyenne, Wyoming, on March 5 but that the real shock was a $46,800 tow bill.

Odil Shanazarov, operations manager for SUS Transport in Mason, Ohio, says his company was initially charged an “excessive amount” to tow its tractor-trailer less than 10 miles. This included 2 miles that his driver drove the semi to the nearest exit after Cozad Towing of Cheyenne straightened the...
