FMCSA panel recommends ban on truck lease-purchase contracts

WASHINGTON — A federal task force has released its final report on trucking lease-purchase programs and recommended to Congress an action proposed at the task force’s first meeting in 2023: an all-out ban on such programs.

The 51-page report, issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Truck Leasing Task Force (TLTF), was sent to Congress and to the U.S. transportation and labor departments on Friday.

The task force was created by the U.S. Department of Transportation to...

Court data reveals extent of truck lease program abuse

WASHINGTON — A study of public data filed in court cases alleging abuse of drivers participating in truck lease-purchase programs with carriers estimates that the extent of predatory lease contracts in the industry approaches 6% of all CDL holders.

Such rampant abuse by carriers makes the industry less safe by causing qualified drivers to leave the profession, while drivers stuck in such contracts may be more likely to be less safe on the road, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety...

Truck drivers: FMCSA wants to see your leasing agreement

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WASHINGTON — If you’re a truck driver and have a lease agreement with a trucking company, federal...

FMCSA advisory panel targets predatory leasing contracts

WASHINGTON — A new panel set up to advise federal regulators is looking into limiting — or eliminating — the ability of a trucking company to wield financial power over a driver through truck lease-purchasing agreements.

The recommendation, still in draft form, was one of the discussion points Tuesday during the first meeting of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Truck Leasing Task Force (TLTF).

One of the first orders of business was defining two types of leasing arrangements...

FMCSA names panel targeting predatory lease-purchase agreements

WASHINGTON — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has named representatives from the trucking industry to assess the prevalence of predatory leasing agreements by carriers against owner-operators and follow up with recommendations to Congress.

FMCSA’s Truck Leasing Task Force, authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in 2021, will address areas “that have long needed intense focus,” according to the agency. It will include providing best practices to help...