Femfi focuses on seafarers mental health issues

According to the Manila Times, Far East Maritime Foundation Inc. (Femfi) in Philippines, held a mental health awareness campaign for seafarers, so as to avoid suicide incidents. Specifically, the initiative addressed how to ensure seafarers’ ability to work productively while improve their mental health.

In light of the situation, Femfi President, Cielito Ferias informed that Far East has tend its focus on several campaigns and projects for a healthy mental lifestyle of seafarers through the...


Do’s and Dont’s to ensure zero accidents onboard

As the shipping industry is striving to improve safety, major representatives from the sector agreed to the industry’s Golden Safety Rules, along with other ideas as well regarding how these measures can be applied. This is part of the ‘Together in Safety’ initiative, which aims to achieve a zero-incident industry, and the agreement took place during the Global Maritime Forum 2019 in Singapore.

9 Golden Safety Rules: Their aim

Paramount high-level rules to prevent loss of life or life changing...


Safe enclosed space entry: More regulations or just less complacency?

The shipping industry does not need more regulation, but a more thorough understanding of the current regulations and a more efficient safety culture to implement the existing regulatory framework, especially when it comes to enclosed space entry, was a key message by shipping experts in the latest SAFETY4SEA Athens Forum, which successfully concluded on 2nd October 2019 at Eugenides Foundation.

What is an enclosed space entry?

Enclosed spaces are spaces that have limited openings for entry and...


Safe Mooring: Key challenges

Speaking at SAFETY4SEA Forum in Athens, David Nichol, Senior Loss Prevention Executive, UK P&I Club, provided a brief overview of the challenges facing seafarers as well as common failures arising from mooring accident investigations. Mooring-related incidents, noted Mr. Nichol, often cause injuries and deaths of seafarers and shore personnel, as well as collisions and property damage.

When I began my career at sea, I remember being struck by how old fashioned and anachronistic it seemed that...


10 tips to avoid accidents at sea

While poor watchkeeping, over reliance on GPS, fatigue, commercial pressure and distractions remain as major causes of shipping accidents, new technology inevitably leads to new ways to have accidents, argues David Patraiko, Director of Projects, The Nautical Institute, in the new issue of ‘The Navigator’, looking at some of the more common causes of shipping accidents.

Mariners must always remain alert to their surroundings and have the ability and confidence to identify and mitigate risk....


Personal protective equipment most critical to crew safety, study shows

Reducing seafarers’ workplace injuries is of great importance to shipping and ship management companies. A new study investigating the causes of these injuries found that injury reduction campaigns focused on personal protective equipment (PPE) would be most effective at reducing risks to workers.

The study, published in ‘Risk Analysis: An International Journal’, seeks to identify the important influencing factors and to build a quantitative model for the injury risk analysis aboard ships, so as...


Interferry: Key lessons from Philippines safety project

Global trade association Interferry published key lessons from the FERRYSAFE project, initiated earlier in 2019 to study safety advances in the Philippines. The project team has completed the second of two visits to the country and is now developing best practice guidance to assist the IMO and other developing nations. Week-long visits were made to Manila in March and ferry capital Cebu in late May.

Lessons learned suggest there is no “silver bullet” solution to explain how ferry fatalities in...


New Zealand: Four recreational boating fatalities so far in 2018

Maritime NZ, New Zealand’s shipping safety agency, released drowning statistics related to recreational boating, noting a significant progress with only four boating fatalities in 2018 compared to previous years. The agency provided simple advice for boaties to help keep that number down.

Maritime NZ Director, Keith Manch, said each year about 19 or 20 recreational boaties die on the water, with there being a sudden spike in fatal accidents at the end of the year.

What we think happens is boaties...
