MORSε Biofouling electronic record book

MORSε Biofouling electronic record book

How do you ensure compliance with Biofouling requirements?

MORSε Biofouling electronic record book ensures proper recording of all hull inspections and biofouling management measures as per IMO Resolution MEPC.207(62) & Australia, New Zealand and California local regulations requirements!


Integrated part of MORSε  Web platform, eliminates duplicated entries via data sharing between logbooks.

Cloud/Web-based solution – also available...ε-biofouling-electronic-record-book/

Ψήφος εμπιστοσύνης του ομίλου Τσάκου στην Prevention at Sea

Tsakos Columbia Shipmanagement S.A. (TCM) και Prevention προχώρησαν σε νέα συνεργασία.

Σε δήλωσή του, ο Sustainability & Environmental Compliance Manager της Tsakos Columbia Management κ. Λεωνίδας Μαργέτης ανέφερε τα εξής:

«Η απόφαση να προτιμήσουμε το ηλεκτρονικό Oil Record Book της Prevention at Sea Ltd. (PAS) πάρθηκε από τη Διοίκηση της TCM καθώς και οι δύο είμαστε ευθυγραμμισμένοι με το κίνητρο μας να επιτύχουμε εξαιρετική διαχείριση Ανθρώπων και Πλοίων καθώς και να χρησιμοποιούμε αξιόπιστες...

Prevention at Sea – DryBMS & TMSA services

Prevention at Sea – DryBMS & TMSA services

Do you worry about your safe business profile (SBP) and compliance with DryBMS, Rightship criteria, TMSA or VIQ?

Prevention at Sea offers:
– SMS Gap analysis to ensure compliance with DryBMS / TMSA along with P@S suggestions for rectification

– In situ or virtu al DryBMS / TMSA pre-audit

– Simplified SMS procedures

– Cost-effective SMS amendments aligned with best practices

– TMSA non-conformance Library

– In-depth analysis and advice on maritime...

P@S Maritime Services for compliance with DryBMS, TMSA & Rightship

P@S Maritime services for compliance with DryBMS, TMSA & Rightship

Acting as the trusted Maritime Advisor for reputable shipping Companies, Prevention at Sea offers a variety of services for compliance with DryBMS, TMSA requirements and Rightship vetting criteria, such as:

SMS Simplification 
                (TMSA Element 1A)

           •   SMS risk assessed procedures 
                (TMSA Element 9, DryBMS Subj. Area 22 and Rightship vetting criteria)

           •   Onboard Audits 

MORSε platform by P@S

MORSε platform by P@S

We are proud to announce that our MORSε web platform is now certified by Lloyd’s Register under MEPC 312(74). MORSε has been designed to ensure sustainability and continuous environmental compliance in combination with approved ship’s electronic logbooks and voyage management.

Direct access to fleet overview from the officeAdvanced ship benchmarking & diagnosticsAccess to an up-to-date map of environmental regulatory compliance & verification24/7 support on maritime...ε-platform-by-ps/

P@S NEW BI-MONTHLY ‘Don’t Cure, Prevent!’ Circular 04/2020

P@S  NEW BI-MONTHLY  ‘Don’t Cure, Prevent!’ Circular 04/2020

We hope you enjoy reading our new ”Don’t Cure, Prevent” bi-monthly Circular April 2020 edition.

To view the Circular (e-book) click here.

To download the Circular (.pdf) please follow the link.

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