Productivity Commission shows fatal flaws of the awful ‘national fleet’ concept

Pictured: Parliament House in Canberra. Do we really want the Federal Government running any part of the shipping industry? Photo credit: “Social Estate” via Unsplash.

In the recent “Vulnerable Supply Chains” report (something of a misnomer as the key finding was that supply chains are not, in fact, vulnerable), the Productivity Commission has pointed out the extreme costs of a “national fleet”.

Although most of the inquiry looked into the vulnerability (or, rather, the lack thereof) of goods in...

Supply chain study: shipping is resilient – OFFICIAL

Pictured: a large ocean-going container ship. Picture credit: Ian Taylor via Unsplash. Note: the livery of the ship in this image has been altered.

Australia’s shipping sector is resilient during the COVID pandemic. That’s a key finding from the Productivity Commission Vulnerable Supply Chains study, which was released earlier this week.

“The Australian shipping sector proved to be resilient” is what the study says in Box 2.4, fourth paragraph down.

The report also later concluded that: “Services...

Mid-COVID, our investigation finds few vulnerabilities in Australia’s supply chains

Pictured: a conceptual representation of the logistics industries. Photo credit Gerd Altmann via Pixabay.

Catherine de Fontenay, The University of Melbourne

Until COVID, Australians had a pretty safe assumption that global supply chains could supply more or less whatever they wanted.

And then it became hard to get sanitiser and masks and other kinds of personal protective equipment.

Most of those supply chains were quickly reestablished, but the sudden appearance of vulnerabilities prompted...

Evidence from UNCTAD proves that the sea-borne supply chain is adaptable and resilient

Pictured: a container ship approaches shore. Photo credit: Public Domain Images / Pixabay

Dramatic new evidence from the UN Conference on Trade and Development shows just how much the demand for goods has soared because of COVID-19. And, crucially, despite what you may have read in various places over the last few days, it provides evidence that the goods supply chain (read: container shipping) is highly resilient.

What is supply chain resilience?

“Supply chain resilience has been defined as the...