Check Call: The cost of a conversation

Welcome to Check Call, our corner of the internet for all things 3PL, freight broker and supply chain. Check Call the podcast comes out every Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. EDT. Catch up on previous episodes here. If this was forwarded to you, sign up for Check Call the newsletter here.


Executive salaries have been making headlines lately, starting with ocean shipping executives disclosing compensation packages from 2022. Spoiler alert: The winner was Gary Vogel from Eagle Bulk, who had...

Lead generation is all about the hustle — Put That Coffee Down

PTCD Surge sponsorship

Put That Coffee Down is sponsored by Surge Transportation. Surge Transportation is the fastest growing 3PL in the logistics space today. Based in Chicago and Jacksonville, they offer unrestricted access to almost all accounts, limitless territory, and a chance to be a key player in a growing company. To find out more email [email protected].

Sales is a grind; it’s often difficult, thankless work that ends in more no answers than yes answers. So how do you make that grind pay off?


Defining a qualified lead — Put That Coffee Down

PTcd cover zembles sponsor

Thank you to our sponsor’zembles! You want to crush your numbers, so stop random prospecting. ‘zembles can tell you who is spending on shipping – and get you those leads instantly, taking your sales process from a 95% failure rate to a 50% success rate. Go to and sign up for a demo today.

A salesperson puts a lot of energy into prospecting your sales leads so when you get leads, you want to know they are good ones. But how do you prospect with precision to close those...