Revisiting the McKinley tariff

In the late 19th century, the United States was in the midst of rapid industrialization and economic transformation. As factories and railroads expanded across the country, a debate raged about how best to protect and nurture America’s burgeoning industries. Into this environment stepped William McKinley, an Ohio congressman (and future president) who would lend his name to one of the most significant and controversial tariff acts in U.S. history.

This is JP Hampstead, co-host of the Bring It...

Strategic Failure Fleet policy is bad policy and should not proceed

Shipping Australia considers that the so-called “strategic fleet” policy is bad policy. With the report of the Taskforce released, considered, and agreed to by the Federal Government before anyone else […]

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How US trade policy is making the baby formula shortage worse

Partially empty shelves of infant formula with a sign alerting consumers.

Policy analysts say a series of U.S. trade restrictions, including ones engineered under the Trump administration, and lean manufacturing practices help explain why stores can’t easily replenish stocks of baby formula. The taxes and extra regulatory hoops make it expensive and difficult to import the specialized baby food.

The U.S. produces 98% of the infant formula it consumes, but that self-sufficiency is being tested by limited availability of ingredients because of supply chain disruptions,...

Politicians know coastal shipping helps Australia; fears they will opt for “extraordinarily bad” national fleet concept

Pictured: a generic image of a small containership. Photo: Hectorgalarza from Pixabay.

The government of Western Australia is establishing a taskforce into shipping and the supply chain. It will be led by the Minister for Transport and Ports, Jessica Stojkovski and Kyle McGinn, reporting back in late March 2022.

The taskforce will examine the state’s shipping industry and supply chains that link Western Australia with the east coast and international customers. It has been set up in response to...

How does trade change with policy? – Freightonomics

Free trade versus protectionism in the freight industry

Trade is central to global economies and getting goods from one place to another, but the limitations on trade change from one government to another. 

On this episode of Freightonomics, Zach Strickland and Anthony Smith dive into the differences between free trade and protectionism and how they influence the logistics landscape. 

Trade regulations like the Jones Act are supported by the Biden administration; this act in particular is an...

Global shipping under threaten, UN warns

Maritime trade is stronger than it’s been for five years, but “tit-for-tat” tariff battles and restructuring by shipping companies threaten to disrupt its role as a key player in global commerce, the UN said on Wednesday, 10/3/2018.

 The warning from UNCTAD, the UN Conference on Trade and Development, follows a “healthy” four per cent increase in global seaborne commerce in 2017.“While the prospects for seaborne trade are positive, these are threatened by the outbreak of trade wars and increased...