Can wireless EV charging become an infrastructure player?

Wireless charging of electric vehicles — literally parking a vehicle over a concrete-embedded charging plate and magnetically connecting to a vehicle — is a niche mostly restricted to transit buses and yard tractors that pull containers around a distribution yard. 

But as the rollout of plug-in charging is slowed by infrastructure buildout and lack of timely energizing, the underground solution also known as inductive charging could expand to other uses.

Expensive approach with a swift payback


Trimble tackles work zone safety with reduced speed alerts

Work zone safety

More than 18,000 work zone crashes a year involve tractor-trailer trucks. Many times, the reason is the sudden nature of slowing traffic as the trucks approach a work zone, leaving the truck drivers without enough room to safely slow or stop their vehicles. According to data from the National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse, there were 672 fatal crashes in work zones in 2018, with 203 of them involving a truck.

Trimble, in partnership with Purdue University, is out to change these...