COSCO Group reporta ganancia neta de $3.1 Mil Millones en el Q3 de 2024 por crecimiento en Volumen

COSCO Group, reporta incremento de ganancias generado por el aumento del 74% en los ingresos.

Esta entrada COSCO Group reporta ganancia neta de $3.1 Mil Millones en el Q3 de 2024 por crecimiento en Volumen Aparece primero en FullAvanteNews.

Alphaliner: los volúmenes de DP World aumentan un 2,1% en el tercer trimestre de 2022

DP World aumentan volúmenes en un 2,1% en el Q3 de 2022 comparado al mismo periodo en el 2021, asegurando que el comercio mundial se mantuvo “resistente” informa Alphaliner.

Esta entrada Alphaliner: los volúmenes de DP World aumentan un 2,1% en el tercer trimestre de 2022 Aparece primero en FullAvant...

Wallenius Wilhelmsen To Return Last 3 Vessels From Cold Lay-up

Norwegian car carrier operator Wallenius Wilhelmsen is set to reactivate the last three of its vessels that were placed in cold layup last year due to a slow down in the car carrier market, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, reads the company website.

Short-term charters

Reactivation will take place during the third quarter, and Wallenius Wilhelmsen says the intention is that the three vessels will replace capacity sourced through short-term charters.

Wallenius Wilhelmsen had already made the...

Bezos To Step Down As Amazon CEO

  • Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos will leave his post later this year, turning the helm over to the company’s top cloud executive Andy Jassy.
  • Jassy joined Amazon in 1997 and has led Amazon’s Web Services cloud team since its inception.
  • Bezos said he will stay engaged in important Amazon projects but will also have more time to focus on the Bezos Earth Fund. Inc. founder Jeff Bezos would step down as CEO and become executive chairman, as the company’s third consecutive record profit and...

Norled Q3 Report: All Agreed Operations Have Been Carried Out Despite the Corona Challenges

Decrease in revenue is mainly due to changes in contract portfolio. Revenue: -17% (Q3) and -14.6% (YTD) Norled ended 5 contracts at year end 2019 and started 4 new contracts 1 January 2020. Indre Sogn (ferries) Sunnmøre (ferries) Rutepakke3 Hordaland (ferries) Troms (expressboats) Increased EBITDA...