Icelandic boatbuilder Rafnar has confirmed the passing of company founder Össur Kristinsson on Tuesday, February 6. Kristinsson was born a congenital below-knee amputee and studied to become a certified prosthetist orthotist in Sweden. In 1971, he founded an O&P Clinic in Iceland, a facility that...
Emergency Service Vessel News Roundup | August 23 – Response boats for Kuwait, Iceland, Greece, and the US
A new fire and rescue craft has been delivered to an operator in Missouri while two other vessels are nearing completion before being handed over to customers in Iceland ..
The post Emergency Service Vessel News Roundup | August 23 – Response boats for Kuwait, Iceland, Greece, and the US appeared...
Two more 11-metre RIBs delivered to Hellenic Coast Guard
Rafnar Hellas has delivered the fifth and sixth units in a series of 10 rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) ordered for the Hellenic Coast Guard. The boats each have a length ..
New Hellenic Coast Guard RIB to be used in Aegean Sea
Rafnar, through Athens-based subsidiary Rafnar Hellas, has delivered a new rigid inflatable boat (RIB) to the Hellenic Coast Guard. The 11-metre RIB is the fifth in a ..
VESSEL REVIEW | Shackleton and Scott – Utility RIB and tender RIB for cruise ship support work
The UK subsidiary of Icelandic boatbuilder Rafnar has handed over two rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) in a series to an unnamed yacht operator that specialises in polar ..
Rafnar delivers RIB to Reykjavik SAR agency
Icelandic builder Rafnar has delivered a new rigid inflatable boat (RIB) to Björgunarsveitin Ársæll, the search and rescue (SAR) organisation serving the cities of ..
Rafnar UK RIBs to support Antarctic expedition
Two rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) built by Rafnar’s UK subsidiary are set to join an upcoming Antarctic research expedition by an unnamed organisation. The ..
Rafnar delivers third RIB in series to Hellenic Coast Guard
Icelandic builder Rafnar, through Athens-based subsidiary Rafnar Hellas, has delivered the third unit of a planned series of 10 rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) ordered by ..
Rafnar delivers 11-metre RIB to Hellenic Coast Guard
Rafnar, through Athens-based subsidiary Rafnar Hellas, delivered a new rigid inflatable boat (RIB) to the Hellenic Coast Guard on Thursday, July 9. The boat is the first ..
Rafnar unveils new 14-metre RIB series
Icelandic builder Rafnar has unveiled a new series of rigid inflatable boat (RIB). At 14 metres in length, the RIBs will be the largest in the Rafnar line. Each will have ..