Feds mandate 2-person minimum for most train crews

WASHINGTON — Large freight railroads will have to undergo a rigorous approval process if they want to streamline operations down to one-person train crews.

The new requirement is part of the Federal Railroad Administration’s final rule announced on Tuesday mandating a two-person crew minimum on trains operated by Class 1 railroads unless a railroad can obtain approval for a one-person crew from FRA.

Such an approval will require railroads to demonstrate to FRA, through a petition and public...


7 hot issues for rail stakeholders in 2024

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Railroads, shippers and unions are tracking hot topics ranging from service improvement to...


Freight rail stakeholders lay out their challenges before Congress

Longer trains, employee morale and the role of technology in freight rail operations came under at times withering scrutiny at a U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing.

The hearing, convened to discuss supply chain challenges in the freight rail industry, became a forum for discussion of hot-button topics. Five witnesses at the Thursday hearing spelled out ongoing concerns of stakeholders.

Asked what problems a bipartisan House supply chain caucus should focus on,...


Norfolk Southern moving away from furloughs to help improve labor relations

Norfolk Southern will deemphasize the use of furloughs as a way to cut costs during market down cycles.

The plan comes as two activist investors are pressing NS (NYSE: NSC) and Union Pacific (NYSE: UNP) via shareholder proposals to address paid sick leave.

The Class I railroads have used furloughing as a means to reduce costs during cycles when freight demand might be down. It has also been used on a seasonal basis to align workforce needs with operational needs.

Furloughing is when a railroad...


Rail strike impact could be quick for commodities like cars, auto parts, beer

Shipments of all kinds of goods between the United States, Canada and Mexico could be disrupted if unions and railroads can’t come to an agreement to avert a looming labor strike next week.

Everything from finished vehicles, auto parts, grains, chocolate and beer to steel and fuels are shipped by rail between the three countries.

On Monday, President Joe Biden called on Congress to prevent a rail strike by passing a bill that would compel the railroads and unions to adopt the new agreement. Rail...

Biden calls on Congress to prevent rail strike, addresses unions’ sick leave grievances

President Joe Biden is calling upon Congress to prevent a rail strike — and in doing so, hinting that the rail unions pursue another venue besides contract talks to air grievances over issues such as sick leave.

Biden urged Congress to pass a bill that would compel the railroads and the unions to adopt the new agreement and to do so “well in advance of December 9th so we can avoid disruption.”

Stakeholders are watching whether members of the four unions that have rejected ratifying their labor...


Over 400 trade groups plead with Congress to prevent rail strike

Calls for government intervention to prevent a rail strike in early-to-mid-December became louder Monday, with more than 400 state and national trade groups asking the majority and minority leaders of Congress to prevent a rail strike they maintain could further hobble the U.S. economy.

In a Monday letter to Congress, the groups pleaded with congressional leaders to address the possible rail strike, calling it a “matter of grave urgency” because of the potential billions of dollars such a...


5 things you should know about a potential rail strike

A rail strike — or a lockout by the railroads — could occur in early December if unions and railroads can’t reach a labor agreement that satisfies everyone. Congress has the ability to stop a strike. So why is it so hard for everyone to come to a resolution? Here are five things to consider:

How we got where we are

A new labor agreement for each of the 12 unions has been in the works since January 2020, but negotiations between the unions and the railroads failed to progress. In July, President...


Boilermakers reject labor agreement with US freight railroads

Members of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB) have decided not to ratify a labor agreement with the railroads, stakeholders said Monday.

IBB members represent about 300 rail employees, many of whom work on repairing locomotives. 

IBB joins the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way – Employes Division (BMWED) and the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (BRS) in rejecting the labor deal. Their votes send all three unions back to the bargaining table.

Meanwhile, members of the two largest...


Rail union pushes back date for potential strike

The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way – Employes Division (BMWED) will not go on strike after Nov. 19, opting instead to hold off on any potential action until early December and saying that the date change will enable the railroads to come up with their best offer without threat of a looming walkout.

The period that BMWED members must maintain the status quo at their respective sites will be  aligned with three other unions that have yet to ratify their labor agreements. Those three unions —...
