Watchdog finds DOT could be hindering infrastructure grants

As many as 21% of applicants for federal infrastructure grants — including states, cities and port authorities — could be overestimating how much they need to contribute to their projects due to poor communication from the U.S. Department of Transportation, according to a federal watchdog agency.

That lack of communication, as outlined in a report released Thursday by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), could mean applicants are having to dig for more money amid tight budgets or is...

Port projects pull in nearly $57M in infrastructure grants

Increasing intermodal rail capacity at select ports and developing inland ports are among the goals of projects receiving millions in federal grant money.

The funding came from the RAISE grant program, which stands for Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity. The program, administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation, awarded more than $2.2 billion to projects nationwide to “modernize roads, bridges, transit, rail, ports and intermodal transportation and make...

GSCW chat: Challenges ahead for the $1.2 trillion infrastructure law

This fireside chat recap is from Day 5 of FreightWaves’ Global Supply Chain Week.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Funding challenges for the $1.2 trillion infrastructure law.

DETAILS: Now that the historic $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill is signed into law, the real work begins: getting formula money to the states quickly and issuing competitive grants. But what are the challenges of getting projects completed so that they can improve supply chain efficiency, and how will they be prioritized?...

South Dakota short line among winners of RAISE grants

A photograph of a freight train at a rail crossing.

The Rapid City, Pierre & Eastern Railroad (RCP&E), a Genesee & Wyoming short line in Rapid City, South Dakota, is involved in a project that has just received a $22 million federal grant.

The South Dakota freight capacity expansion project will upgrade 163 miles of the RCP&E main line between Fort Pierre and Rapid City in order to improve freight flows between western South Dakota and Wyoming. The project received the $22 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Rebuilding American...

DOT to grow more than 50% to help oversee infrastructure funding

The largest investment in roads, bridges and highways made by the federal government since the creation of the U.S. interstate highway system is going to require a larger federal workforce to help make it happen, according to a top official at the Department of Transportation.

At a media briefing outlining the first steps to rolling out the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package that Congress approved late Friday, Deputy Secretary Polly Trottenberg said her department is bolstering...

DOT allots $1 billion in latest round of infrastructure grants

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is laying out $1 billion in the latest round of a competitive grant program that began in 2009 for freight projects.

DOT published on Tuesday a Notice of Funding Opportunity to apply for money through the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants, a renaming of what had been called “BUILD” grants under the Trump administration and “TIGER” grants under the Obama administration.

The Biden administration plans to...