Ahead of the IMO’s Pollution Prevention and Response sub-committee (PPR 12), which will meet from 27-31 January 2025, this online briefing will provide insights on the agenda, likely discussions and possible outcomes of importance to ship operations in the Arctic, including reducing black carbon...
Recent Videos
Pre-MEPC 82 Briefing on black carbon, GHGs, scrubbers, noise, plastics & other shipping impacts
This briefing aimed to provide insights on the agenda for climate emissions and marine pollution discussions at the forthcoming 82nd session of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 82, 30 September – 4 October 2024). The event presented the...
Oceanos Ntua – National Technical University of Athens – Greece
Oceanos – NTUA was established in 2016 and comprises 70 undergraduate students from various institutions. Located at the NTUA campus, the team is organized into five sub-teams. They actively participated in the HydroContest for two years (2017-18) and have been involved in the MEBC since then....
Flange Mounted Upending Tool [FMUT]
KENC Engineering has successfully delivered a Flange Mounted Upending Tool [FMUT] to Van Oord. We designed, fabrication, tested and commissioned this crucial lifting tool for Van Oord to install monopiles in a UK offshore wind farm. It recently installed its first monopiles and operates smoothly...
Flex LNG Q1 2024 Key Takeaways Video
Key highlights from the Flex LNG Ltd Q1-2024 Result Presentation on May 23, 2024. The full presentation, including a Q&A session, will be available on YouTube on May 23, 2024. Flex LNG Ltd is a shipping company focused on the growing market for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and is listed on NYSE and...
Panama Canal Industry Update
On December 19, 2023, our Administrator, Dr. Ricaurte Vásquez Morales, and our Deputy Administrator, Illya Espino de Marotta, provided a Panama Canal industry update. Source: The Panama Canal
Welcome THUN RESOURCE – tanker vessel launch
The first vessel in the resource efficiency class! Friday, November 10, 2023, THUN RESOURCE was launched in a festive event on site at the yard in Leer, Germany. The vessel was named by Godmother Ulrika Hamill, a representative of Nynas AB. Upon delivery, the THUN RESOURCE will be technically...
New: Shipping Line Dashboard
Together we can reduce port stays, speed up supply chain and reduce bunkering and emissions. In what we believe to be an industry first, APM Terminals’ new Shipping Line Dashboard provides shipping operators with real-time, 24/7 self-service online access to current vessel schedules and the...
Comments on the Q3 2023 results
KONGSBERG increased its operating revenues by 29 per cent and recorded solid growth in all business areas compared to 3rd quarter last year. The order intake was NOK 11.3 billion and the order backlog increased to NOK 69.2 billion. Source: Kongsberg Gruppen