Redwood hiring for FreightTech roles across departments

Labor markets continue to be strained across all industries, and logistics is no exception. While the infamous driver shortage is typically the focus of labor discussions in the transportation space, companies have been struggling to fill a myriad of positions over the past several months due to the post-pandemic hiring blitz and low unemployment rates. Even with the more recent economic challenges and potential downturn tied to high inflation, Redwood sees a clear need to continue hiring for...

Beyond the facade: Sleek interfaces fall flat without strong back-end products

When logistics companies update their technological systems and solutions, their biggest concerns often revolve around training and usability. Sleek, user-friendly solutions are all the rage, and for good reason. Companies do not want to undertake huge training commitments that tie up their staff for days and threaten short-term profitability. 

As the industry continues to move away from clunky legacy solutions, more companies are choosing solutions based on user interface. While an intuitive...

GSCW chat: Embracing automation in 2022

Experts chat about the importance of automating logistics during FreightWaves' Global Supply Chain Week.

This fireside chat recap is from Day 2 of FreightWaves’ Global Supply Chain Week.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: 2022: The year of embracing automation

DETAILS: FreightWaves’ Travis Rhyan sits down with Eric Rempel to discuss the need for automation across the supply chain and why now is the time to implement the latest technology in logistics operations.

SPEAKER: Rempel is the chief innovation officer at Redwood Logistics.

BIO: Rempel has worked in various roles at Redwood since 2004. He helped create the...