Tankers could profit if US restricts gasoline and diesel exports

photo of a tanker off Texas

America’s refiners are producing near-record volumes of gasoline and diesel and selling historically high amounts to overseas buyers. Why not force exports lower via government intervention, keeping more American-made fuel in America and cutting costs for domestic consumers?

The Biden administration appears to be pondering that very question. The answer, according to critics, is that it won’t work. They say refined product export restrictions would be a net negative for consumers. Most would pay...


The Port of Tarragona ships two large installations for the petrochemical industry by sea

The Port of Tarragona ships two large installations for the petrochemical industry by sea

The two destinations for these large installations manufactured in Tarragona are
Belgium and Huelva

The facilities in the Port of Tarragona are optimal for project cargo traffic

The manufacturers, Schwartz-Hautmont, will use the Port of Tarragona’s Lleida Wharf to
ship two large project cargos, one to Belgium and the other to Huelva.

The first is a modularly constructed petrochemical plant that will be...


Bursting the Myths of Biofuels

With efforts to save the planet from global warming and recognition of the need to protect the environment, many countries and the UN have been considering stricter greenhouse gas, SO2, and NOx emission regulations and this has resulted in the development of innovative eco-friendly bunkers , reports Ship & Bunker .

Today we are going to discuss some of them as underlined by some of the stalwarts in business.

Alternative Fuels

IMO and other standard organizations are always under pressure to adopt...


Asia Oil Margin Hit As China Refineries Goes for Record Oil Export

Reuters Graphic

According to a Reuters report written by Clyde Russell, the rebound in China’s crude oil processing in April looms large over Asia’s refineries, which are already battling weak profit margins from the slump in fuel demand caused by lockdowns aimed at containing the coronavirus pandemic.

A Recovery In Fuel Demand
  • China’s refineries processed the equivalent of 13.1 million barrels per day (bpd) in April, up from a 15-month low of 11.78 million bpd in March, according to calculations based on...


China Shows Dominance in Oil Tanker Market as IMO-2020 Approaches!

According to an article published in Bloomberg, China’s demand for crude oil shows no signs of abating.

Increased movement of supertankers

There are currently more supertankers bound for the Asian nation than at any time since the start of 2017 and possibly longer. That could signal that China’s refineries are planning to run hard through the end of the year when the shipping industry is moving to cleaner fuel standards. China could also be working to secure supply following recent tensions in...


Norway’s new crude may jeopardize Asian oil market

Norway is playing an active role in the oil sector as more Norwegian oil from Johan Sverdrup is arriving in Asia, being a challenge to similar crudes coming from Africa and South America.

Specifically, Chinese Unipec and South Korean Hyundai Oilbank Co. have deployed Johan Sverdrup for December delivery.

In light of the approaching 2020 sulphur cap, the demand of low-sulphur oil has been increasing, while supply of medium-density crude has been tight due to the attacks on Saudi Arabia and U.S....
